Author: Alexen
Ownership: Microsoft (formerly Activision Blizzard; Blizzard Entertainment)
Designed mainly for Warcraft 3 patch 1.26 but it works fine on any patch as long as it is under classic graphics.

Author: Alexen
Ownership: Microsoft (formerly Activision Blizzard; Blizzard Entertainment)
Designed mainly for Warcraft 3 patch 1.26 but it works fine on any patch as long as it is under classic graphics.


Blacksmith the Forge Keeper

Melee Strength based hero, exceptional at melee combat and withstanding stronger opponents.
Base Stats: 13 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 22 Strength .
Stats gained per level up: 1.2 Agility; 1.6 Intelligence; 2.7 Strength.
---background story---
The Dwarves were never interested in this war until the Undead ravaged their city and slew their king. Forced by the circumstances, Blacksmith headed towards Nadrex, looking for the leader of the Undead, and he will not draw back from the fight until his vengeance is achieved.
Sunbathed (innate-active) -
Cleansing flames dispel Blacksmith and turn him magic immune for 1.60 seconds, also dealing area magic damage between 60 - 85 damage within his attack radius. Blacksmith cannot cast any other ability during this time.

  1. Nemesis Flare - Solar energy flares within 620 radius to Blacksmith, dealing area magic damage to enemies hit. Grants +40 health regeneration to Blacksmith for 3 seconds.
  2. Solar Binding - A solar beams massively slows down the target' attack speed up to 2 seconds, reduces its armor by 40 points and deals magic damage based on 3.1x Blacksmith's Strength. Luminosity' unique attack will deal 20% bonus damage to an affected opponent.
  3. Luminosity (non-stacking attack morpher) - Next ordered attack (forced right-click), deals bonus magic damage and stuns the target in place. Passively provides permanent bonus attack damage to Blacksmith on each level.
  4. Ironforge Strength - Blacksmith drains the solar energy, restoring health based on his Strength and causing his attacks to be felt by all enemies in a 750 cone-shaped facing radius. Ironforge Strength's attacks will only apply bonus damage dealt by Critical Strikes.

Zayron the Pack Leader

Melee Strength based hero, adept at crippling multiple enemies and dealing high amounts of cumulative physical damage.
Base Stats: 22 Agility; 8 Intelligence; 22 Strength .
Stats gained per level up: 2.8 Agility; 1 Intelligence; 2.8 Strength.
---background story---
There is no easy task in taming Spirit Wolves, but Zayron excels at that by forcing his energy bending into them. Enslaving the entire Spirit Plane, this fearless rider ventures into the battlefield with an entire armada at his disposal. No more than a swing of his mighty blade and a few of his wolves are needed to annihilate his adversaries.
Canine Adept (innate-passive) -
Increases both current and bonus movement speed by an additional of 12%. Bonus speed cannot be dispelled.

  1. Canine Genesis - Zayron starts generating a Spirit Wolf every 2 seconds, attacking a nearby enemy for the next 3 seconds, dealing 45 base physical damage. The Spirit Wolves are uncontrollable and untargetable and they apply a 27% movement slow to all enemies within their attack range.
  2. Power Grip - Energy binds and drags the targeted enemy near Zayron, dealing physical damage to it based on his Strength. Power Grip cannot be disjointed.
  3. Wolf Claw - Slashes an enemy at closed range, reducing its armor heavily for 3 seconds and dealing physical damage based on Zayron' Strength. Spirit Wolves' attacks and Power Grip damage dealt are increased by 15% against slashed enemies.
  4. Spirit Portal - Zayron opens a spiritual portal, generating a Spirit Wolf every 3 seconds through it and slowing nearby enemies by 27%. Spirit Wolves deal 45 base physical damage and die after 3 seconds. The Spirit Wolves are uncontrollable and untargetable and they apply a 27% movement slow to all enemies within their attack range.

Chaos the Planeswalker

Melee hero based on Strength, commanding the energy of the stars and capable of easily assaulting and disrupting enemies.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 20 Intelligence; 20 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.40 Agility; 2.20 Intelligence; 2.55 Strength.
---background story---
The moon and the stars guide this wandering warrior, enlightening his path and defending him of any threat. Stellar energy infuses his body and with a swing of his magic lantern, enemies tremble in fear waiting their death.
Planestopper (innate-active) -
Forcibly slows down all enemies in the targeted area by 90% for 2 seconds and causes all of their attacks to miss.

  1. Three Lantern Strikes - Chaos dashes towards the targeted enemy, stunning it for 1 second and striking it 3 times with his magic lantern, each dealing physical damage based on Chaos's Strength. His health is restored proportional to the damage dealt on each hit.
  2. Primal Form (toggled) - Activate Primal Form to turn Chaos into his spirit form. Chaos cannot attack and cannot be attacked in spirit form but moves faster. Primal Form can be toggled on and off during Recall or while casting other abilities.
  3. Plane Flight - Allows Chaos to fly towards a targeted point, dispelling negative buffs upon departure. If Primal Form is active, he deals 175 area magic damage before flying and turns corporeal again.
  4. Stellar Presence - The energy of the stars is released towards all enemies within 600 radius to the initial cast location, targeting 8 visible enemies. Deals heavy physical damage when the stars connect with a target.  

Marvin the Naval Ganthridor

Melee hero based on Strength, able to control combat and easily chase enemies.
Base Stats: 18 Agility; 12 Intelligence; 20 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.35 Agility; 1.5 Intelligence; 2.35 Strength.
---background story---
After being constantly disturbed by the on-going war, Marvin emerged from the seafloor, ready to take down the source of his disturbance. Charging into enemies by the flow of tide and commanding enchanted water at will, he crushes his enemies into their demise.
Trident of the Guardian (innate-passive) -
Marvin' attacks distribute 25% of the damage dealt to enemies within 350 radius to the primarily hit one. Stacks with any attack morphers.

  1. Tidal Outburst - Water gathers underneath Marvin and propels him towards the targeted enemy. Upon impact, Marvin deals physical damage to the target.
  2. Augmenting Scales - An active barrier of bubbles that restores Marvin's mana and grants bonus health regeneration and armor to him.
  3. Coral Speed - Quickly gains a burst of movement speed and reduces all slowing debuffs by 15% while it's active.
  4. Home Sweet Home - Floods the surrounding area, swimming at constant maximum movement in it and becoming immune to slowing debuffs during this time. Enemies inside the enchanted water will take magic DPS.

Orstor the Azure Rider

Melee hero based on Strength, able to maneuver through combat and damage crowded enemies.
Base Stats: 13 Agility; 17 Intelligence; 22 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.9 Agility; 1.2 Intelligence; 2.7 Strength.
---background story---
Reincarnated through ice magic by the Lich King' agents, Orstor knows nothing about his past yet his internal desire to kneel his opponents and freeze them to death remains his speciality. No massive plating can evade his ice-bursting runeblade and the heat of battle is always with him.
Spirit Stealer (innate-passive) -
Orstor's attacks heal him for 20% of the damage dealt. Spirit Stealer restores 10% more health based on the damage dealt with Armor-Shattering Ice. Fully stacks with any attack morphers.

  1. Azure Runeblade - Azure ice infuses Orstor's runeblade, slowing the attack speeds of all nearby enemies by 35% for 4 seconds and causing him to release 5 instances of area physical damage. Enemies picked within 300 range to each instance will take physical damage based on Orstor's Strength.
  2. Armor-Shattering Ice (passive) - Empowers Orstor's attacks with ice, dealing bonus magic damage per hit and disrupting channeling states. Armor-Shattering Ice goes through magic immunity and the bonus damage ignores armor.
  3. Supression - Strong instant dispel ability that also grants a brief moment of invulnerability. Can be activated during Recall. Dispels both buffs and debuffs!
  4. Polar Plague - Summons a global chain of frost out of the primarily targeted enemy towards each visible enemy on the map, adding bonus magic damage per each target. Polar Plague jumps on another lane once all targets detected in the current one are hit.

Jeensi the Tundra Chieftain

Melee hero based on Strength, good at nuking multiple enemies and initiating combat.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 12 Intelligence; 25 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.45 Agility; 1.45 Intelligence; 2.35 Strength.
---background story---
First of the Frozen Tundra's warriors, Jeensi was declared as the sole chieftain of his tribe after the Trial of the Ice ended with him being victorious. In search of a new battlefield, the chieftain came in Kalimdor to test his skills.
Windwalk (innate-active) -
Gains 40% bonus movement and invisibility for 10 seconds or until the next attack. Deals 120 bonus physical damage when striking out of Windwalk.

  1. Incapacitate - Throws a negatively charged bolt of ice, stunning the target for 1 second and applying a mana burn to it. The amount of mana burned is also dealt as magic damage to the target's health.
  2. Frozen Whirl - Rotating barrier of orbs that deals damage and slows enemies hit whenever touched over the duration. Jeensi gains bonus movement speed while it's active.
  3. Block Buster - Shattering mountain of ice that deals area physical damage based on Jeensi's Strength and slows enemies hit.
  4. Arctic Warpstrike - Jumps on the target and deals strong physical damage based on Jeensi's Strength. Both targets are dispelled accordingly, Jeensi of negative buffs and the target of positive buffs.

Charox the Polar Praetor

Melee hero based on Strength, good at dealing large amounts of magic damage and has the strongest initiation abilities.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 22 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.8 Agility; 2 Intelligence; 3.2 Strength.
---background story---
Being adorable is one thing, but being adorable and deadly is another. Charox gives a new meaning to stunning cuteness by smashing his foes into blocks of ice, rolling like a cub on the ice and bombarding them with icy barrages.
Quick Blizzard (innate-active) -
Releases a barrage of frostbolts towards all enemies within 600 radius, dealing 90 magic damage to each.

  1. Boulder Striker - Charox rolls towards the target point, applying a 30% movement slow for 3 seconds to nearby enemies. Upon reaching the target location, Charox slams the ground, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. He is untargetable during the roll.
  2. Chilled Pulse - Charox emits a continuous pulse around him, repeatedly reducing nearby enemies' movement, attack damage and attack speed by 30% for 2 seconds, while nearby allies and him gain a 30% attack damage bonus for 2 seconds. Neither the buff nor the debuff can be dispelled.
  3. Opposition Force - Freezes the targeted opponent at closed range, dealing magic damage and knocking it back. Charox restores health based on his Strength when cast.
  4. Reversed Icecap - Charox rolls backwards into the air over 1000 range, turning untargetable in the process, and randomly launching icy boulders that deal 60 magic damage towards nearby enemies within 400 radius. Enemies caught under him over the distance will be frosted, taking 100 DPS for a short amount of time.

Naeegor the Tectonic King

Melee hero based on Strength, able to quickly repositionate and deal heavy area magic damage.
Base Stats: 18 Agility; 18 Intelligence; 20 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.1 Agility; 2.1 Intelligence; 3.4 Strength.
---background story---
An elderly warrior, hidden beneath the ground of Mulgore, emerged from his caves in search of a new journey. Shaking the ground with his tectonic shockwaves and slamming enemies into certain death, Naeegor is not here to play with anyone and when it comes to battle, he only knows how to win.
The Slammer (innate-active) -
A fierce melee strike maims the target enemy, applying a 2 seconds stun on it.

  1. Geoaxe (non-stacking attack morpher) - Permanently increases Naeegor'' current attack damage and when off cooldown, the next attack that is manually ordered (forced right-click), will cause him to blast the target, dealing twice his current attack damage with 75 bonus magic damage on the second attack. Stacking attack morphers are only applied on the primary attack.
  2. Geofield - Creates diagonal volcanic turmoils on the ground for a set amount of time. Enemies near the Geofield will take 35 magic DPS or 70 magic damage if they are inside.
  3. Improved Ground Control (passive) - Naeegor's elderly experience grants him bonus attack damage and 40% chance to deal 30 bonus magic damage and mini-stun the hit enemy. The Geofield ability inherits these effects when cast.
  4. Destructosurfer - Allows the Tectonic King to rapidly surf the ground towards the currently issued move order location (right-click on ground), destroying trees and walls, and dealing 80 magic DPS to enemies within 300 radius. Naeegor can pass through units while surfing and slows them by 30% for 2 seconds.

Pixel the Magnosentinel

Melee hero based on Strength, able to take in high amounts of damage and unleash intense magic damage assaults on multiple enemies.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 22 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.55 Agility; 2 Intelligence; 2.65 Strength.
---background story---
Arcane contraptions and mechanized particles bending into a single form of energy gave birth to the Magnosentinel. A form of both soul and droid, Pixel guards the sanctity of nature and maintains the balance between the magical dimensions, even if it  means detonating himself for good.
Heavy Punch (innate-active) -
Punches an enemy at melee range, dealing 100 magic damage and stunning it for 0.75 seconds.

  1. Magnoconduction - Pixel deploys arcane energy that infuses the first enemy detected within 750 radius for the next 6 seconds. Every second, the energy rapidly bounces between 8 enemy targets, dealing magic damage to each. Magnoconduction has no mana cost and restores Pixel's current mana by 75 points.
  2. Phaser Spark (channeled) - Pixel gathers up his energy, unleashing a rotary barrage of magic damage up to 2 seconds. Each wave deals magic damage to all enemies it passes through. Enemies struck by more than one wave, will take 15% bonus damage.
  3. Sentinel Satellite - Summons a defensive arcane prism that heavily increases Pixel's armor for 8 seconds and causes Phaser Spark to restore Pixel's health when cast.
  4. Diffused Shockdown - Pixel disassembles for 2 seconds, becoming immune to physical damage and converting incoming magic damage into health. Upon reassembling, he unleashes a massive energy clap that deals magic damage to all enemies within 750 radius. Pixel cannot use his other abilities or items during Diffused Shockdown.

Onni and Oggi the Crimson Magi

Melee Strength based hero, able to quickly initiate and burst fragile targets using magic damage.
Base Stats: 7 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 22 Strength .
Stats gained per level up: 0.5 Agility; 3 Intelligence; 3.2 Strength.
---background story---
Stonemaul Magi are usually blue and primitive when it comes to wizardry. Onni and Oggi are a special breed of Ogre Magi, long forgotten specie that was believed they may never be born. Splashing fire and cursing the ground with deadly enchantments, these brutal magical wielders are not to be trifled with.
Bloodlust (innate-active) -
Surges energy into the allied target, granting +20% movement and attack speed for the next 10 seconds.

  1. The Gauntler - A blazing hook is fired towards the targeted location, dragging the first enemy hit back to the Maulers' position. The enemy is also damaged when hit. Enemies within 260 radius to the Gauntler are slowed by 30% and take 45 magic DPS. Can drag enemies through walls, allies or any environment object.
  2. Crimson Bomb - Places a detonating vial that spreads fire once its timer is reached, dealing area magic damage. The damage also applies a 30% movement slow to enemies hit.
  3. Magi Runa - Places a crimson enchantment upon the targeted location, granting True Sight within 750 radius to it and zapping any visible enemy on the map that casts a spell. The damage dealt is equal to the amount of mana points spent to cast the spell.
  4. Magi' Wrath - Heavily burns the targeted opponent in melee range, dealing magic damage to it based on Onni and Oggi's Intelligence. The strike knockbacks the affected opponent and renders it unable to act for a brief moment.

Jackson the Justice Admiral

Melee Strength based hero, able to quickly initiate and maneuver combats, while dealing large amounts of area magic damage.
Base Stats: 23 Agility; 23 Intelligence; 23 Strength .
Stats gained per level up: 2.1 Agility; 2.1 Intelligence; 3 Strength.
---background story---
A mere survivor of sea maelstrom, Jackson swore to avenge the deaths of his cadets and bring down the evil that lurks inside the nearby seas. Able to infuse water magic into his attacks, while unleashing the fury of his ships upon the enemies, the Justice Admiral shows no remorse in his bloodlust.
Tidal Connection (innate-passive) -
Whenever Jackson attacks, his blade has 25% chance to splash water upon all enemies within 420 radius, dealing 30 irreducible damage. Stacks with any attack morphers.

  1. Torrent Blade - Attacks the targeted enemy at closed range, dealing area magic damage to it and surrounding enemies, and applying a 40% movement and attack slow for 2.5 seconds. The slow gradually decreases over the 2.5 seconds duration.
  2. Sea Striker - Jackson slows the movement and attack speeds of all enemies detected in the targeted area by 60% for 2 seconds and impacts the area, dealing magic damage to enemies hit upon arrival. Jackson is invulnerable during the charge.
  3. Admiral Onboard - Targets a location up to 1300 range, causing Jackson to travel hidden inside his Ghostship, dealing area magic damage to enemies hit. If a shorter distance is targeted, the Ghostship continues to travel and damage enemies until it reaches 1300 range.
  4. Ancestral Pact - Jackson calls upon the aid of the Tidal Ancestors, refreshing all of his spells and active items but becoming more vulnerable to incoming damage.  Lasts 5 seconds and takes amplified damage from any type of damage source.

Reelvo the Goblin Maniac

Melee hero based on Strength, able to absorb high amounts of damage and fight strong enemies.
Base Stats: 11 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 30 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.80 Agility; 1.90 Intelligence; 2.50 Strength.
---background story---
A demon to many, a savior to few, Reelvo' true nature lies with the goblins, yet his former appearance strikes fear into the heart of his enemies. Tormenting everyone with his mechanized arcane gear, Reelvo never runs away when it's time to fight.
Repair Shock (innate-active) -
Zaps the allied targeted structure, restoring 100 hit points to it.

  1. Overdrive Charges - Unstable energy shocks the target, removing all of its beneficial buffs and forcibly launches it into the air for a brief moment, then deals area magic damage. Nearby enemies are slowed by 30%.
  2. Arcane Chainsaw - Knocksback the target, silences it, reduces its attack accuracy and slows it for 3 seconds. Cannot be disjointed. Applies magic damage if Engine Upgrade is active.
  3. Engine Upgrade (passive) - Increases current armor and causes Arcane Chainsaw to deal an initial magic damage that cannot be negated. The amount is based on Reelvo's Strength.
  4. Loop Furnance - Releases a continuous stream of flames around Reelvo, dealing up to 100 area magic damage per flame released. Lasts 4 seconds and has a 600 radius of effect.

Kerrogx the Dark Cavalier

Melee hero based on Strength, very good at surprising enemies and lasting in hand-to-hand combat.
Base Stats: 20 Agility; 13 Intelligence; 20 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.5 Agility; 1.35 Intelligence; 2.8 Strength.
---background story---
Enslaved by the Scourge to serve their powerful leader and command his frontline armada, Kerrogx fears no one in combat and is always ready to surprise unwary adversaries. He was sent into the Nadrex Temple in order to steal the core pylon.
Phantasmal Curse (innate-active) -
Kerrogx disarms all enemies in the targeted area for up to 2 seconds. Shuts down the effects of any attack morpher during this time and also stops Nathan from attacking ghosted targets.

  1. Phantasma - Kerrogx's horse starts charging towards the targeted enemy with intense speed, massively slowing surrounding enemies in place for 2 seconds and dealing magic damage based on Kerrogx's Strength to the target upon impact. Has global casting range.
  2. Energy Burner (non-stacking attack morpher) - Causes each attack to burn mana and deal bonus magic damage based on the amount burned. Does not affect Magic Immune opponents.
  3. Warpstrike - Jumps on the target, silences it and deals magic damage based on Strength. Instantly applies Energy Burner to the target.
  4. Hyperbasher of Death - Grants a strong surge of attack speed and each attack under this state will deal bonus magic damage and mini-stun the hit enemy.

Stitches the Darkshire Terror

Melee hero based on Strength, good at controlling battles and torturing enemies with insane magic damage.
Base Stats: 19 Agility; 19 Intelligence; 19 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.85 Agility; 1.85 Intelligence; 2.35 Strength.
---background story---
Haunted by a burning hunger day and night, Stitches wanders around the Kalimdor land, searching for fresh meat. Insatiable and angry, he slams the corpses, tears the limbs of his enemies and eats them alive, only to fuel his cadaver arsenal.
Fresh Meat (innate-active) -
Stitches eats a non-hero target, either friend or foe, gaining +1 permanent Strength.

  1. Noxious Cloud - Releases a corroding gas that applies an armor reduction buff to all enemies caught in it and increases the damage dealt by Ground Blighter by 45%. The armor reduction debuff lasts 2 seconds after each instance. Noxious Cloud' debuff cannot be dispelled.
  2. Ground Blighter - Propels Stitches at the target' current position, stunning it for 1 seconds and dealing a percentage of Stitches' current movement speed as physical damage to it. Razes the ground behind Stitches, dealing up to 100 magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies affected by Noxious Cloud will take 45% bonus damage.
  3. The Cleaver - Stitches slices the targeted foe with his giant cleaver, dealing magic damage and massively slowing it for a second. Nearby enemies will be damaged by the Cleaver as well. Has a 250 damage radius around the chosen target.
  4. Gobble Up - Devours an enemy non-hero target, restoring health based on Strength and storing its corpse inside Stitches until the sub-ability, Spit Splash, is used. Spit Splash deals 300 magic damage and stuns the target for 1 second. Stitches can store up to only 1 corpse per use.

Maggronor the Annihilan King

Melee hero based on Strength, able to maintain his health high through his abilities and deal strong area magic DPS at the cost of his own health.
Base Stats: 7 Agility; 10 Intelligence; 28 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.1 Agility; 2.1 Intelligence; 3.2 Strength.
---background story---
The outrageous Pitlord known as Maggronor showed no interest in this war, until some of the Heaven Alliance started killing his fellow annihilans. In a rush, he marched towards the Nadrex Temple where he intends to conquer and destroy his adversaries.
Slasher (innate-active) -
Maggronor swings his giant lance, dealing 90 magic damage to all enemies within his attack range.

  1. Impaler - Heavily incapacitates an enemy target at closed range, dealing magic damage to it and applying a maximum slow to it for 1 second. Affected target's movement is gradually restored after the strike.
  2. Demonogenesis - Releases a loop of pulses around Maggronor up to 1.50 seconds, restoring 75 health per each pulse to any ally touched. Nearby enemies are slowed by 30% for 3 seconds.
  3. Lifeleech Aura (passive) - Drains the living energies from attacked opponents. A portion of the physical damage dealt by Maggronor is returned to him as heal. Casting Impaler will also restore 250 health.
  4. Blood Flood - Sacrifices 300 of Maggronor's health in order to create a continuous fountain of blood around him, dealing magic DPS to nearby enemies within 750 radius and to Maggronor himself. The health cost activation and magic DPS are both lethal to Maggronor.

Jabbz the Thunder Baron

Ranged hero based on Strength, armed with intense attacking capabilities and crowd controlling.
Base Stats: 15 Agility; 14 Intelligence; 17 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2 Agility; 1.8 Intelligence; 2.5 Strength.
---background story---
Baron Jabbz is the leader of the surviving orcish horde which found shelter in the Temple of Nadrex. Controlling the energy of thunder through his enchanted hammer, Jabbz lays waste to his adversaries before they can counter-attack.
Baron' Ray (innate-active) -
Shocks an enemy, dealing physical damage to it based on 2.4x Jabbz' Strength.

  1. Empowered Arsenal - Overwhelms the Thunder Baron with energy, restoring health and allowing him to attack multiple targets outside of his regular range for the next 5 seconds. Empowered Arsenal's attacks cannot be stopped by magic immunity states. Acts as a non-stacking attack morpher while active.
  2. Storm Rage (passive) - Jabbz's attacks grant 20% chance to discharge an electric jolt upon all enemies within his attack range, dealing irreducible damage to each. Enemies within 225 range will take twice the amount of damage. Storm Rage effect breaks through magic immunity states.
  3. Thunder Markers - Places an electrical coil upon the target and surrounding enemies, dealing magic DPS to them for the next 6 seconds. Jabbz's Maelstrom (ultimate) can be activated to detonate the markers, dealing 250 magic damage and dispelling all beneficial buffs from the damaged targets.
  4. Maelstrom - Increases Jabbz's attack damage for 8 seconds and causes all enemies affected by Thunder Markers to instantly take 250 magic damage and lose all beneficial buffs currently applied on them. Maelstrom ends Thunder Markers debuff prematurely.

Blanka the Depths Terror

Melee hero based on Strength, very efficient against multiple enemies and perfect at controlling crowded combats.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 12 Intelligence; 25 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.1 Agility; 2.1 Intelligence; 3.1 Strength.
---background story---
The jailor of the Crystal Prison located under the seas of Nadrex, has emerged and is ready to punish the dire agents of the Underground. Unleashing painful swings with his mighty anchor, terrorizing and trapping his enemies into giant blocks of ice, Blanka ravages the battlefield with ease.
Aquatic Tunnel (innate-active) -
Allows Blanka to teleport up to 700 range at the targeted location, avoiding incoming projectiles.

  1. Icy Swings - CHANNELED - Blanka swings his anchor twice in a 2.60 seconds duration, slicing nearby enemies within 325 radius for each swing, dealing magic damage to them. If Blanka is interrupted, the damage stops prematurely.
  2. Debilitate - A heavy melee strike that negates the target's spellcasting capacity for 2 seconds and applies up to 4 instances of magic damage. Each magic damage instance is applied every half a second.
  3. Depths Fury - Blanka releases a deafening scream towards 500 radius in the targeted direction, causing tentacles to immobilize enemies into the air for 2 seconds and turn them invulnerable. Deals magic damage to them upon falling. Affects invisible enemies too.
  4. Crystal Prison - Compressed ice is launched towards the target point, releasing its essence upon impact, forming a ring of 15 Crystal Blocks with 25 armor points and 650 health, applying 90% movement slow to enemies that try to leave or enter the area. Whenever a Crystal Block is destroyed or the duration ends, enemies nearby it take 275 magic damage.

Noelhd the Silverhand Templar

Melee hero based on Strength, able to resist longer in fights and maneuver them with taunting and damaging spells.
Base Stats: 15 Agility; 13 Intelligence; 24 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.5 Agility; 1.9 Intelligence; 2.5 Strength.
---background story---
Brave and bold were never the right words that would describe a fellow paladin in training, yet this different practinioner of the holy magic could always be counted on whenever danger lurked around these lands. You may not be able to judge this warrior but he certainly will.
Sanction (innate-active) -
Flares the target with light, disarming it for 2 seconds.

  1. Omen of Fortitude - Empowers the Silverhand Templar with bonus armor and an area damaging aura that deals magic DPS to enemies within 350 radius. The damage area lasts 8 seconds and the bonus armor until the cooldown is finished. At level 4, the bonus armor is globally applied to all friendly targets. Omen of Fortitude cannot be dispelled.
  2. Judgement - A vicious melee strike that restores Noelhd' health and deals magic damage to the target and its nearby allies. Taunts the chosen target to attack Noelhd.
  3. Holy Flame - Smites the target at melee range, dealing magic damage based on Noelhd' Strength and stunning it for 1 second. Taunts the target to attack Noelhd.
  4. Divine Penitence - Enchanted chains form around all enemies within 800 radius, binding them in place for 3 seconds. Enemies affected take magic damage each second and are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds after the spell ends.