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Download latest version here
It runs on ALL W3 patches (including Reforged graphics)
Link 1 -> https://maps.w3reforged.com/maps/categories/hero-defense-and-survival/Nadrex
Link 2 -> https://www.epicwar.com/maps/342061/
For patch 1.26, you can use the following platforms:
-> Gameranger: https://www.gameranger.com/
-> Radmin: https://www.radmin-vpn.com/
Radmin network name: Nadrex
Radmin network password: elfmagic
Updates log
The entire updates list is on this page. The latest one is always the first so you always know what's new in the game.
Previous versions of the game are not available here to download but if you are curious to see them, you can always check epicwar.com and download them from there.
Latest update:
-Roah's innate ability "Disperse" was replaced with "Golden Presence" - Emits an allied aura that increases armor by 6 within 650 radius to Roah. The bonus is applied to himself too. The buff lingers for 5 additional seconds outside of Roah's presence;
-changed Spectrum Slayer's difficulty note from intermediate to hard;
-Angelor Star's "Stellar Vortex" ability radius was reduced from 500 radius to 350;
-fixed the cooldown issue of Potion of Mana and Potion of Health;
-reduced the attack speed of the Heaven Overlord by 30%;
-Sandro's innate ability "Anti-Magic Ward" has been replaced by "Mana Shade" - Infests an enemy with a Mana Shade, burning up to 180 mana points from it after 3 seconds passed. Has a cooldown of 16 seconds.
-Jabbz's "Empowered Arsenal" ability acts as a non-stacking attack morpher while active now. The information is also noted in the spell's tooltip.
Previous updates:
v1.00 (beta) - uploaded the AoS
v1.01 (beta) - improved the creeps formation upon spawn; raised base hero health per point of Strength to 37.
v1.02 (beta) - Lightning Spirit (advanced item) was disabled. Fixed a bug where Kynezis' Tornado Shuttle could lift allied targets instead of enemies.
v1.03 (beta) - released a new hero, Forbo the Tribe Trasher. Fixed Lightning Spirit (item). Increased base health of all lane creeps by 215.
v1.04 (beta):
-fixed Kynezis' Absorb Tree ability.
-trees are now selectable, they will not affect issued orders near their locations.
-implemented Untapped Nadrexian Power; requires level 15 on your hero. Permanently adds +4 points to Agility, Strength and Intelligence; +15% attack speed and +4 armor points.
-finished the Forged Artifacts shop. It contains 12 items.
-released new hero, Fedora the Solar Valkyrie.
-fixed a bug where Dwaven Commando's ultimate Flames of Sin would send the hero in channel state
-Tribe Trasher's third ability Piercing Frost was replaced with Cold Shot.
v1.05 (beta):
-new hero, Keendra the Scarlet Hag.
-new hero, Nixie the Starlight Ranger.
-health points gained per point of Strength was reduced by 14.
-fixed a bug when killing neutral creeps would framedrop upon receiving the bonus Crystal.
-fixed a bug causing random framedrop for 1 second when Kerrogx uses Dark Conduit.
-implemented Magic PowerUps that respawn every 85 seconds once picked up. Top jungle has Gold PowerUp; Middle jungle has Universal PowerUp; Bottom Jungle has Restoration PowerUp.
v1.06 (beta):
-reworked the whole terrain and map layout
-2 new heroes, Stanford the Ironclave Rifleman and Glixio the Experiment K211
-reworked jungle camps
-removed the Faction Households near Defenses Towers on both lanes. They are still near the core structure.
-all disables and stuns were reduced by 0.30 seconds.
-all heroes deal now +10 damage to faction creeps.
-fixed a bug that stopped multiple mana regeneration items of the same type not to stack.
v1.07 (beta):
-jungle creeps now engage attacking heroes no matter of their range.
-all heroes gain +15% damage from their primary attribute now.
-all defense towers deal now 100 more damage.
-implemented Circle of Powers. They can be accessed from the UI button above the minimap. Players can view and buy items while out of base.
-added info tips in the Circle of Power.
-repositioned each jungle camp and they do not have an open space anymore, only one entrance.
-fixed a slight bug causing newly spawned Underground Creeps to walk by the nearby trees instead of maintaining straight path.
-Fedora's ultimate "Radiant Wrath" now deals +20% damage to enemies affected by "Birthright Phoenix".
-Crystal Connection restoration was reduced from 15 points per Crystal to 4 points per Crystal
-reduced the pre-game interval by 25 seconds.
-added a starting sound when the faction creeps spawn for the first time.
-reduced overall health regeneration granted by Strength for each hero by 15%.
-reduced overall mana renegeration granted by Intelligence for each hero by 12%
-reduced overall armor bonuses granted by Agility for each hero by 10%
-added Faction Guardians that defend the Core Towers.
-implemented Jungle Relics shop and Fusioned Relics shop - both in progress and have no items right now.
-implemented a custom UI.
-removed the initial fade in screen.
-added a corresponding icon for the UI button of the Power Circle.
-all Defense Towers deal now +15% bonus damage.
-all Defense Towers provide +3 armor to allies within its attack range and -3 to enemies.
-improved Algammon's model.
-Nixie's "Energy Birds" ability deals 30% less damage now.
-Stanford's attack animation was improved.
-Morbina's base movement was rescaled from 280 to 300.
-Kynezis's base movement was rescaled from 275 to 290.
-added voicelines for each shop.
-added 4 items in the Tomb of Relics shop.
-fixed a bug that allowed heroes to pass through shops.
-fixed a bug that caused Ivory's Cold Grapple to hook enemy towers.
-Claire's "Feral Accuracy" attack enhancer was reworked. The mini-stun was replaced by order interruption and it deals 30 bonus magic damage now. Nature Guardians inherit this ability too.
-Silver's "Mana Shield" cannot trigger "Crystal Connection" anymore. Fixed a bug causing its hotkey to be hidden from the learned ability tooltip.
-Silver's "Mana Drain" was reworked. It drains a higher amount after 1.50 second channeled instead of draining small amounts per second during 6 seconds. The cooldown was also reduced from 12 seconds to 8.
-Silver's base mana pool was rescaled from 100 to 375, making him the only Agility based hero with highest mana pool in the game. This change was made to provide him better early synergy with his abilities.
-the Jungle Stash shop is now ready. It comes with 12 new items.
-Factions Creeps now grant +80 gold instead of +55 to their killer.
-Reelvo's base health was rescaled from 125 to 200.
-all Strength based hero have now +1.25 base health regeneration.
-all Agility based heroes have now -0.30 base health regeneration.
-all Intelligence based heroes have now -0.40 base health regeneration.
-mana restoration from Crystal Connection was fixed.
-Billy's "Lightning Storm" deals now 45% less damage.
-fixed Blood Scarf weird interaction with enemy GuardianTowers, triggering the damage reflection .when they were low health.
-overall damage reduction granted by armor was rescaled from 60% to 20% due to the high .amount of armor heroes can get.
-Kynezis's "Polarity Sphere" procs faster by 30% now.
-the Jungle Stash shop was moved in the base.
-implemented 12 new items in the Mystic Forge shop.
-fixed a bug causing the GuardianTowers to miss attacks against targets detected on lower ground.
-all health regeneration bonuses were halved.
-Tome of the Cardinal (item) health regeneration aura boost was reduced from 20 points to 8.
-increased the attack speed of all Guardian Towers by 40%.
-the 70% chance to release multiple Chain Lightning on attack using Lightning Spirit was removed.
-fixed a bug causing the Lifesteal attack granted by Vampiric Necklace, Sphere of Energy or Vampire Gauntlet to trigger twice on each strike.
-fixed Blood Scarf causing enemy Guardian Towers to trigger the damage reflection.
-removed the visual terrain deformation of Reelvo's "Mountain Tunnel".
-fixed Reelvo's "Mountain Tunnel" not granting the 40% bonus movement speed upon resurfacing.
-fixed a random bug causing the Faction Creeps to walk towards nearby trees instead of maintaining the right direction
-implemented a visual indicator in the UI, showing the exact amount of seconds until the cooldown of a spell is completed.
-redesigned the entire terrain and environment.
-implemented a simpler more fitting User Interface.
-implemented Magic Critical system. Grants 18% chance for area targeted or unit targeted abilities to gather energy into a quick blast that deals 140 additional magic damage and slows enemies hit by 30% for 2 seconds.
-opened up the third list of heroes, first one in progress is Herronia the Witch of the Woods.
-both the Nadrex and Underground Households were removed.
-removed 1 Guardian Tower near each Core Structure.
-the Core Structures can now attack enemy units and heroes.
-fixed a bug causing certain Jungle Creeps to leave their camp and pass through surrounding trees.
-new hero, Herronia the Woods Stalker.
-Lancester' model was changed.
-all Guardian Towers have +10 armor now.
-fixed a bug causing the Health and Mana Potions to trigger the Magic Critical.
-fixed a bug causing the Town Portal Scroll, Transportation Boots and Beastmaster's Greaves to trigger the Magic Critical.
-all Jungle Camps have +1 creep now.
-Sylas's "Monarch Pulse" ability visual effect was changed and its radius was reduced by 25.
-reduced the gold cost from 200 to 150 for Health and Mana Potions.
-reduced the gold cost from 950 to 650 for Wand of Dispel.
-reduced the gold cost from 450 to 350 for Bones of Silence.
-fixed the name of the Mystic Forge, pointing that it's a Recipe info shop now.
-new hero, Roah, the Son of Midas (List 3).
-new hero, Marvin, the Naval Ganthridor (List 3).
-the cast animation speed for all heroes was greatly improved.
-Browna's ultimate "Summon Glank" now causes Glank to constantly apply a 30% movement slow for 2 seconds as long as he stays near an enemy within 550 radius.
-improved the minimap info for a better clarity.
-improved the visual effect of the Magical Critical.
-improved Glixio's ultimate "Planetary Devastation" visual effect.
-base health of all Faction Melee Creeps was rescaled from 500 to 425.
-Yog's "Mirage of the Desert" ability had been reworked into Earth Fury. Causes him to strike the target unit or point, causing the earth to explode, slowing enemies around by 30% for 2 seconds and constantly releasing shockwaves to surrounding angles, dealing magic damage.
-improved Yog's ultimate "Sand Storms" visual effect.
-Silver's "Mana Drain" causes him to drain +50 points on each level now; the spell mana cost was rescaled for all levels from 50 to 5 points.
-Silver's "Severe Disruption" ability cooldown was rescaled from 12 seconds to 10 for all levels.
-all Strength hero have +120 base health now
-new hero, Jeensi the Chieftain of the Frozen Tundra.
-new hero, Hexion the Permafrog.
-fixed a bug causing Silver's "Empower" and Nixie's "Lunar Quiver" to trigger the Magic Critical.
-Kerrogx' model was changed. His name is now Kerrogx the Headless Knight.
-enhanced the UI console, the health and mana sections have a corresponding icon near them now.
-Claire' "Feather Grounder" cooldown was increased from 7 seconds to 8 at all levels.
-Kynezis' "Polarity Sphere" cooldown was reduced from 75 seconds to 45 at all levels.
-Marvin' base armor was rescaled from 3 points to 5.
-Roah' base armor was rescaled from 0 points to 2.
-Reelvo' base armor was rescaled from 2 points to 6.
-Mysterious Orb (item) gold cost was reduced from 500 to 430.
-Perchament of the Priest (item) gold cost was reduced from 500 to 430.
-Health Gem (item) gold cost was increased from 500 to 750.
-Mana Gem (item) gold cost was increased from 500 to 750.
-all Jungle Creeps were reworked.
-> health was set to 750 points with 1 HP regeneration per second.
-> all disabling spells were removed and replaced with other abilities.
-> attack damage was set to 55 base damage with varying attack rates based on the level of the creeps.
-> gold bounty granted to the killer was set between 70-75 to all creeps based on their level.
-fixed a bug causing ward placing to trigger a Magic Critical.
-Nixie' model was changed.
-Kerrogx' model was changed
->Darkness Conduit ability was changed. It does not summon illusions anymore; the armor and Strength bonuses from rescaled from 5/8/12/14 to 8/10/12/14.
->Energy Burner' mana burned per attack was rescaled from 12/16/18/20 to 20/25/30/35. Fixed a bug causing the double mana burn proc on non-hero units not to trigger.
-implemented a new shop, located in the middle of the top jungle. It sells 12 items that have only active abilities and can be purchased only with Crystals.
-fixed a bug causing Beastmaster's Greaves to have separated cooldown instead of sharing it with Town Portal Scroll and Transportation Boots.
-Stanford's base armor was rescaled from 1 to 4.
-Ivory's base armor was rescaled from 2 to 7.
-Reelvo's "Mountain Tunnel" ability deals now magic damage to enemies hit along the way.
-fixed a bug causing Tome of the Battlemage to instantly regenerate mana of any allied target. Mana Aura bonus was changed from 300% based on maximum mana to +12 mana points per second.
-Reelvo's "Massive Boulder" combination with "Brutal Hit" was fixed, allowing the boulder to properly mantain a straight path over terrain.
-new hero, Miss Darkblade the Chromadark Warden. Located in list 3.
-fixed a bug causing a minor moment of stuck if you would walk between the tier 3 Nadrex Guardian Tower and the nearby trees.
-the User Interface was greatly improved.
-the voice response from Lumbermill of the Magician (shop) was fixed.
-all Guardian Towers deal now 20% less damage and their default attack speed was reduced by 15%.
-fixed a bug causing random spears to be thrown at allied heroes in the base.
-fixed a bug that was granting the Underground Invaders vision over the top jungle.
-fixed a bug causing Nadrex Bottom Ranged Creeps to remain stuck sometimes in rocks.
-removed the Mana Burn ability from the Wizards jungle camp. The Renegade Wizard is able to cast Frenzy now, increasing attack speed.
-the starting gold was increased from 500 to 1200.
-all players start now with 3 Crystal points.
-new hero, Slicser the Hive Master, located in list 3.
-Monkey Monk's third ability "Grove Claw" has been reworked. It now deals instant area magic damage upon impacting the foe, instead of applying a DPS instance on a single target.
-Chromadark Warden's second ability "Chroma Flames" damage values rescaled from 60/70/80/90 to 75/95/115/135.
-added a hotkey (Z) for the unlockable passive "Untapped Nadrexian Power".
-Talisman of Conjuration (item) now upgrades the damage dealt by Slicser' "Locust Ward" and "Elder Parasite" (scarab damage only).
-the top jungle was extended, 2 new Jungle Creeps camps are now inhabited by 3 Eredar Mages, varying in level and abilities.
-Overlords are now present in the top jungle corners. Each faction overlord has 2500 health, 10 health regeneration, 75 armor, 140 Chaos type attack damage and spawns a Token of Life upon death. Killing an Overlord, grants its team 750 gold and 10 Crystals.
-the quality of the minimap was greatly improved.
-the Jungle Camps are properly marked on the minimap now.
-fixed a bug causing Claire's "Sharpened Shooter" ability to fire only 2 arrows instead of 3.
-fixed the hero glow now properly matching the player color and not blinking anymore when attacked.
-fixed a bug that allowed some ranged heroes to outrange the Overlords.
-the Overlords have spell immunity now.
-fixed a bug where players could enter into the enemy hero base through some areas.
-Monkey Monk's ultimate "Vine Trap" now properly applies the current level damage to all trapped enemies when triggered and destroys the trap.
-the damage dealt by the Core Structures was rescaled from 300 to 200. The multi-strike attack now properly interacts with the physical armor of the additional units or heroes hit.
-the allied armor bonus aura and enemy armor reduction armor are now emitted by the Core Structures too.
-Lightning Shard (item) gold cost was rescaled from 450 to 400.
-Guardian Buckler (item) gold cost was rescaled from 500 to 400.
-Hunting Axe (item) gold cost was rescaled from 500 to 400.
-Jar of Termites (item) gold cost was rescaled from 450 to 550.
-Azure Meteorite (item) gold cost was rescaled from 1450 to 1000.
-fixed a bug causing the pathway to be slightly blocked while approaching the Lumbermill of the Magician (shop).
-new hero, Yiglax the King of Oshgoth, located in list 3.
-restock timer on Wards (item) was changed from 10 seconds to 4 minutes.
-added a unique visual indicator to Kynezis' Absorb Tree ability. Fixed a bug causing Absorb Tree not to heal Kynezis in certain scenarios.
-Slicser's Anabolic Synthesis ability was reworked. It now grants bonus Agility and Strength instead of bonus attack damage and movement. Effectively, increasing armor, health, movement, attack speed and attack damage from the attribute bonuses.
-Hammerforge' base armor was rescaled from 2 to 6.
-added a visual buff for Nixie' Voidmoon Presence ability.
-Adjusted the Magic Critical.
->Implemented a proper visual effect for it.
->Damage dealt was rescaled from 140 to 90.
->Radius rescaled from 320 to 300.
->Added a unique sound when it triggers.
-fixed a bug causing Icecap Wand (item) to remain in the inventory when combined with Attribute Booster (item) to form Avatar of Frost (item).
-Claire' ultiamte "Sharpened Shooter" was reworked. It now launches 2 arrows instead of 3 but the first arrow applies 2 separated instances of magic damage. The cooldown was reduced from 75 seconds to 60.
-the Eredar Sorcerer (jungle creep) only interrupts current order and applies magic when it casts Fireblast instead of applying 2 seconds of stun.
-the Eredar Warlock (jungle creep) does not have Mana Shield anymore.
-the old Magic Critical system was reworked into 2 Heroic Traits, Augmenting Barrier and Energy Amplifier.
->Augmenting Barrier -> Grants 14% chance when your hero is targeted by an enemy spell, to form a protective barrier for 5 seconds, increasing health regeneration by 6%, attack damage by 25% and armor by 8 points. Has a dedicated UI button showing the triggering chance.
->Arcane Thruster -> Grants 14% chance when your hero casts a single targeted spell or an item under the same condition, to apply 0.75x Agility + Strength + Intelligence as bonus magic damage and knockback the target.
-Typing "info" provides you with the description of the Heroic Traits.
-fixed a typo in Yiglax' Ascending Spirit ability tooltip.
-fixed a bug that caused Yiglax' flying movement to remain stuck if killed during Ascending Spirit.
-the Spawning Structures drop now +3 Crystal shards on the ground.
-Claire's Feather Grounder ability cooldown was increased from 8 seconds to 13.
-added an additional Defense Tower behind each spawning area.
-fixed a bug causing the visual effect from Recall to remain stuck in certain scenarios.
-reduced the last hit bounty on Faction Creeps from 80 gold to 40.
-new hero, Kredgor the Arcanamancer.
-added the fourth and final list of selectable heroes.
-Yog's Sand Storm cannot be directly cast on enemies debuffed by Sand Storm now. Placing it near them still works.
-fixed a bug causing players to be able to quickly revive their hero in certain scenarios.
-adjusted the selection size of the Eredar Jungle Creeps.
-improved Chrono Engineer's Cinder Bolt visual effect.
-Eredar Diabolist (Jungle Creep) has Life Drain now instead of Firebolt.
-Jungle Creeps do not sleep anymore during the night now.
-improved the visual effect when selecting a target.
-improved the visual effect of the healthbars.
-new hero, Veesray the Karma Ranger.
-spawning timer of the creeps was increased by 3 seconds.
-fixed a bug causing the following abilities (Rift Breaker; Spring Sprint and Ascending Spirit) to allow heroes get pass through the playable border of the map area.
-fixed a bug causing Kredgor's "Vex Mantra" summoned Rift Holes to appear with tiny health bars despite them being untargetable.
-Reelvo the Stone Apparition was temporarily disabled until next update.
-the base attack damage of all Faction Creeps has been reduced by 10%.
-the base attack speed of all Faction Creeps has been reduced by 15%
-improved the hero UI stats icons.
-Chrono Engineer "Cinder Bolt" ability visual effect was improved.
-adjusted the acquisition range of the Eredar Jungle Camps to the same values as the rest of the Jungle Camps.
-Monkey Monk' "Natural Convergence" treants damage was reduced by 40% and their attack speed by 15% for all levels.
-Monkey Monk' "Grove Claw" radius effect was increased from 240 to 600 and its visual effect explosion was adjusted to fit the exact radius.
-Browna's "Void Fangs" ability was reworked into Beast of the Void: Browna unleashes a rampaging Void Salamander that stampedes towards the targeted direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. The damage instance cannot be applied more than once.
-added a visual animation indicator to the Sand Nomad. His abilities cannot be instantly cast anymore.
-the Restoration PowerUp and Universal PowerUp were both moved between the Jungle Camps of the bottom jungle side.
-improved the visual effect of the Arcane Thruster and added a unique activation sound.
-improved the tower models of the Nadrex Faction.
-new hero, Stitches the Darkshire Terror.
-Algammon' "Soul Grip" ability has melee casting range now instead of 650 ranged cast.
-Bounty received from killing faction creeps was reduced from 40 to 25 gold.
-Neutral Camps attack damage was reduced to each by 45%.
-All Guardian Towers have now the Focused Strike passive, which causes them to amplify each previous damage instance dealt by 15% if the same target hero is hit in less than 3 seconds after the previous hit.
-Reelvo is now playable again.
-fixed a bug causing allied or enemy players to pick the same heroes.
-rebalanced all Lifesteal bonuses from items. It must now be activated and will last until your hero dies, granting only 30% Lifesteal and being unable to be stacked with other Lifesteal Activations.
-Blood Scarf (item) and Avatar of Blood (item) reflect now only 40% of the incoming melee damage received.
-fixed the vision disappearing in each allied Faction Base to both teams after losing the structures.
-title name was changed to simply "NADREX"
-rebalanced the exp gain tables. Players cannot level up that fast anymore. Faction Creeps grant exp as following: Melee Creeps grant 50 exp each; Ranged Creeps grant 50 exp each.
-fixed a bug causing the Lifesteal Activation to trigger the Crystal Connection passive, allowing players to spam the health and mana restoration given by the crystals.
-low health Core Structures cannot be denied anymore.
-added a Way Gate inside each hero base that can be used to teleport right near the Core Structure of your allied Faction.
-Allied creeps can now be denied when their health threshold is under 30% of the maximum value.
-Allied heroes can no longer be denied.
-Lightning Spirit (item) - the Lightning Attack was reworked. It can now hit only the currently attacked target and deals 15 bonus damage per hit.
-Avatar of Blood (item) - the Red Lightning Attack was reworked. It can now hit only the currently attacked target and deals 30 bonus damage per hit.
-Jungle Creeps bounty gain was reduced from 75 gold per creep killed to random between 18 and 30 max.
-Crystals are now given only by the 1 Creep of each Jungle Camp, respectively the Eredar Warlock; Furbolg Ursa Warrior; Dark Wizard; Elder Wendigo and the Mur'gul Shadowcaster. A visual indicator above their heads is always shown.
-Glixio's "Rotten Reactor" area of effect was rescaled from 460 radius to 410.
-Veesray's "Blindsided Shot" cooldown was rescaled from 9 seconds to 13 for all levels.
-Stitches's "Corpse Cleaver" cooldown was rescaled from 16 seconds to 22 for all levels.
-Stitches's "Ground Blighter" cooldown was rescaled from 11 seconds to 14 for all levels.
->the total damage dealt was reduced by 25% for all levels.
-Stanford's "Blast Rifle" damage dealt was rescaled from 120/160/200/240 to 75/125/175/225 total damage to all targets detected and hit.
-Yiglax's "The Soulnado" cooldown was rescaled from 9 seconds to 18 for all levels.
-Psychic Headband (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 750.
-Shamanic Totem (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 800.
-Mana Gem (item) gold cost was increased from 750 gold to 1080.
-Health Gem (item) gold cost was increased from 750 gold to 1080.
-Cloak of the Seer (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 900.
-Claws of Attack (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 885.
-Amulet of the Swift (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 825.
-Potion of Mana (item) gold cost was increased from 150 gold to 300.
-Potion of Healing (item) gold cost was increased from 150 gold to 300.
-Vampiric Potion (item) gold cost was increased from 375 gold to 550.
-Hunting Axe (item) gold cost was increased from 400 gold to 550.
-Guardian Bucklet (item) gold cost was increased from 400 gold to 575.
-Lightning Shard (item) gold cost was increased from 400 gold to 675.
-Wards of Sight (item) gold cost was increased from 150 gold to 375.
-Blood Scarf (item) gold cost was increased from 1250 gold to 1650.
-Drums of Fortitude (item) gold cost was increased from 1700 to 2400.
-Garnet Rod (item) gold cost was increased from 1250 gold to 1900.
-Idol of Stone (item) gold cost was increased from 1450 gold to 1850.
-Icecap Wand (item) gold cost was increased from 1200 gold to 1750.
-Azure Meteorite (item) gold cost was increased from 1000 gold to 1550.
-Attribute Booster (item) gold cost was increased from 500 gold to 850.
-Vampiric Necklace (item) gold cost was increased from 430 gold to 1000.
-Thorium Halberd (item) gold cost was increased from 1350 gold to 1700.
-Talisman of Conjuration (item) gold cost was increased from 900 gold to 1400.
-The PowerUp Runes now initially spawn differently. The Gold PowerUp spawns after 2 minutes. The Universal PowerUp spawns after 3 minutes, and the Restoration PowerUp spawns after 4 minutes. The respawn timers remain the same, each having 85 seconds respawn time after being picked by a hero.
-Ivory is now a short-ranged attacking hero instead of a melee one. Has a 450 attack range.
-Ivory' strength gain per level was rescaled from 1.80 to 2.50.
-Ivory can freely move while Cold Grapple is now cast. The visuals of the spells have been greatly improved to be more distinctable.
-both Core Structures can now attack 4-5 enemy targets simultaneously. Full attack radius was rescaled from 600 (secondary targets) to 750 (all targets).
-Trees regrow now after 90 seconds instead of 60.
-Jungle Creeps respawn now after 60 seconds mark instead of 30 and only if there's a hero within 850 radius to the camp location.
-new hero, Gwen the Mantra Sorceress, located on the fourth hero list.
-Stitches' "Corpse Cleaver" ability was reworked into "The Cleaver. Stitches slices the targeted foe with his giant cleaver, dealing magic damage and massively slowing it for a second. Nearby enemies will be damaged by the Cleaver as well. Has a 250 damage radius around the chosen target.
-Stitches' "Noxious Cloud" now amplifies only the damage dealt by Ground Blighter.
-fixed a bug causing Stitches' ultimate "Gobble Up" to work on the Overlords.
-the damage dealt by Guardian Towers was rescaled from 275 to 150.
Faction Creeps deal now 25% less damage to heroes.
-the hero level up visual indicator was changed.
-fixed a bug that allowed certain movement abilities to be cast on the Overlords.
-fixed the visual indicator of lifesteal, not appearing when triggering.
-Herronia' "Faerie Splinter" area magic damage dealt per attack was increased from 60 to 80.
-Herronia' "Spring Sprint" ability was replaced by "Grove Thruster". Launches a powerful spear that deals magic damage and applies 30% slow to enemies it passes through.
-Keendra's "Dark Egregor" radius was increased by 150.
-Vampiric Necklace (item) gold cost was reduced from 1000 gold to 750.
-the health amount granted by Strength was rescaled from 23 points per point of Strength to 31 per point of Strength.
-All item descriptions have been tweaked and properly remade, being easier to read.
-Reduced the healing amount from Gwen' "Blaster Barrage" by 40%.
-The health amount for all Defensive Towers was rescaled from 1500 to 2400.
-The armor amount of the Overlord was rescaled from 75 to 55 but its type was changed from Superior Creep tye armor to Fortified Structure type.
-Charox' base armor was rescaled from 2 to 6.
-Soldier Ogake' "Incineration Cog" ability cooldown was reduced from 12 seconds to 8 for all levels.
-the spell damage of all Intelligence based heroes was reduced by 10%.
-the base attack speed of all Agility based heroes was reduced by 10%.
-the base health regeneration of all Strength based heroes was increased by 2 points.
-reduced the attack speed of all Agility based heroes.
-all Defensive Towers have now radius indicators, showing the exact attack range of each.
-added Faction Announcers whenever a hero is killed.
-new hero, Jinshao the Fire Samurai, located on the 4th list of heroes.
-Hexion' "Crestfall Kryptonite" visual effects of the wall have been fixed. They do not framedrop anymore when the wall is formed.
-tweaked several triggers that were fired during map initialization which caused minor framedrops on lower-specs computers.
-the visuals of the Tower Range Indicators have been improved.
-added 4 new runes:
->The Health Tome PowerUp - spawns on the left right side after 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Picking it up grants permanent +150 health points.
->The Speed PowerUp - spawns on the bottom right side after 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Picking it up grants double movement speed for 20 seconds.
->The Apple Damage PowerUp - spawns on the top right side after 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Picking it up grants double attack damage for 20 seconds.
->The Illusion Penguin PowerUp - spawns on the top left side after 5 minutes and 25 seconds. Picking it up grants 2 illusions of your hero for 15 seconds, dealing 15% of your hero' current attack damage and taking double damage from any source.
-the death timer formula was changed. It now has base 4 seconds and it multiplies based on the current level of the dying hero. lvl 1 - 4 seconds; lvl 2 - 8 seconds; lvl 3 - 12 seconds and so on.
-Gold gained from last hitting Faction Creeps was increased from 25 to 40.
-the pathing towards the bottom right side of the jungle was enlarged to fit the same one from the left side.
-new hero, Pixel the Magnosentinel, located on the 4th list of heroes.
-improved the spawning of the Faction Creeps. The bottom lane creeps spawn with a second after the top ones now and they all appear at the same time each near the other, preventing unhappy clustering or weird movement.
-fixed the tooltip of the Hierarch Seal (item) and of the Electric Staff (item)
-Slicser' "Locust Ward" ability was reworked into "Swarm Nest". The swarm placement source procs faster now both upon implanting it on the ground and upon releasing it to enemies nearby.
-fixed a bug causing Herronia' "Grove Thruster" spear to disappear after 4 seconds.
-Stanford' ultimate "Mechanized Zapper" damage was rescaled from 200 / 275 / 350 to 180 / 240 / 300.
-the rune power-ups were changed into gems and now have visual timers on all areas; they cannot be seen through fog of war.
->all gems spawn now after 2 minutes passed from the start and after 2 minutes individually for each after being picked up.
-improved the attack range indicators of the Defensive Towers. They are now easier to spot and don't disturb the environment.
-Marvin' "Coral Speed" ability causes the 60% bonus to be applied on both the movement and attack speed instead of only movement at level 4.
-Roah' "Shared Fate" ability cooldown was reduced from 15 seconds to 12 at all levels.
-added a visual indicator that shows where Jinshao teleports during "Ultra Instinct" and a unique sound will also be heard.
-changed Charox visual effects from "Fire Force" ability and "Flame Propulsation" ultimate so they are not confused with Jinshao' fiery effects used.
-the Illusion Gem grants now only 1 illusion instead of 2 and the damage dealt by the illusion was set to 60% based on the hero' current attack damage.
-the Damage Gem grants now +50% attack damage instead of doubling the current one.
-the Triumvirate Gem grants now +2 points to all three attributes instead of +1.
-changed the activation effect for the Ruby of Health and Opal of Illusion to match the corresponding colors of the gems.
-removed the double tower sideways for both factions at the entrance of each base.
-the damage dealt by Faction Creeps to heroes was reduced by 30%.
-the scaling damage amplification applied by Defensive Towers on heroes is now applied to creeps as well.
-the Core Structures (Altar of the Nadrex God and Altar of the Dread God) cannot attack anymore.
-fixed a bug causing the gems to have a slightly longer spawn time instead of following the visual indicators on the ground.
-starting gold for all players was rescaled from 1200 to 1500.
-the entire environment has been improved.
-adjusted the size of the stats panel info buttons.
-Reelvo the Stone Apparition was reworked into Reelvo the Deity Incarnate. Previous abilities were also changed to fit the theme of hero. Brutal Hit was replaced by Magic Touch, can be cast from 550 range now instead of melee range and it cannot be disjointed anymore.
-fixed a bug causing Reelvo' "Guardian Tunnel" to disable vision temporarily while casting it.
-Silver' model has been changed.
-removed the Roar ability from the Ancient and Shaman Wendigo. The Shaman Wendigo can now cast Abolish Magic, dealing 300 damage to targetable summons, dispelling the target and burning 150 of its mana points.
-Herronia' "Faerie Splinter" ability cooldown was reduced from 12 seconds to 8 for all levels.
-Jinshao' ultimate "Ultra Instinct" ability cooldown was increased from 15 seconds to 30 for all levels.
-Slicser' "Infestation Party" ability provides now 350 area vision while it travels.
-Browna' "Fang Call" ability has now 1 second attack time for the summoned wolves instead of 0.60 seconds at all levels.
-Browna' ultimate "Summon Glank" is now his third ability and his new ultimate is "Salamander Horde". Browna lets loose a horde of Void Salamanders that charge towards all visible enemies on the map, impacting them with magic damage. The Void Salamanders ignore terrain pathing.
-Browna' "Beast of the Void" ability has been replaced by "Summon Glank". Glank now automatically wanders around Browna and bites enemies around him or those that attack him. After dealing a set amount of magic damage, Glank returns to Browna, healing him for 75% of the damage dealt.
-Algammon' ultimate "Aging Strike" now additionally provides a 40% damage reflection of any type applied only by melee heroes. A visual indicator is shown above Algammon when the ability is learned.
-Yog' "Earth Fury" ability was reworked into Solar Shard. Releases a fragment of the Sun towards the targeted area, dealing multiple instances of magic damage to enemies it passes through or nearby and slows them by 30% for 2 seconds.The shard explodes after 2 seconds and heals the Sand Nomad by 200 points.
-Stitches' base attack damage was reduced by 15%.
-the attack range of all melee heroes has been increased by 40.
-the attack range of Faction melee creeps has been increased by 20.
-Kredgor' base armor was rescaled from 3 points to 5.
-added 5 key ward placing pedestals around the map. Placing a ward on top of a pedestal, grants higher visibility around that area.
-added the 5th list of upcoming heroes, still in progress. This list is the final one.
-the following heroes have been moved to the 5th list: Arcanamancer; Hive Master; Dark Cavalier and Barrel Brawler.
-fixed a visual bug causing the tower range indicators to remain still on the ground when the towers were destroyed.
-new hero, Jabz the Thunder Baron, located on the 5th list of heroes.
-fixed a bug related to the pop-up information about the Augmenting Barrier and Arcane Thruster when "info" was typed which only showed half of the information.
-Yog the Sand Nomad was reworked into Yog the Light Nomad.
-Yog' ultimate "Sand Storm" was changed into "Chains of the Nomad"
-Yog' model was changed to fit the new hero class.
-Wards of Sight (item) gold cost was reduced from 375 to 300. Duration was increased from 2 minutes to 3 minutes per use.
-Talisman of Conjuration (item) now boosts Pixel' Magnoconduction.
-fixed a bug that caused the initial camera view for player yellow to be placed on the Nadrex area instead of Underground.
-remade the entire terrain and pathways around the map.
-changed the placement of several trees and improved the quality of their models.
-all trees are now higher and heroes can walk underneath most of them in order to ambush or flee from chasing enemies.
-fixed a visual bug related to the Light Nomad' hero glow.
-reduced the visual effect of Light Nomad' "Solar Shard".
-improved the visual effect of Vial of Eternal Regeneration (item).
-improved the visual effect of the Recall and added a unique sound when cast.
-fixed Morbina' "Revenant Singularity" tooltip. It is not mentioned that each stack granting attack speed has a separated 8 seconds timer.
-all items sold by the Lumbermill of the Magician cost now 10 less Crystal points.
-the attack damage of all Guardian Towers has been increased by 10%.
-Kerrogx' "Warpstrike" ability damage dealt was rescaled from 1.70x / 1.80x / 1.90x /2x Strength to 4.5x / 5x / 5.5x / 6x Strength.
-added a visual effect trail to Kerrogx' weapon.
-the Overlords have been changed into Overlord Towers. Their attack speed has been increased by 25%.
-fixed a bug related to Jinshao' "Burning Brootherhood" visual effect of the damage instance.
-readjusted the Jungle Camps in the top side of the jungle area.
-new hero, Rinnen the Exiled Succubus, located in the 5th list of heroes.
-Sylas' "Natural Convergence" ability was reworked. It can reanimate nearby dead creeps into a single Treant per body, lasting 30 seconds. All Treants deal now magic damage and they cannot attack enemy structures anymore. Primary Treants deal now 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 magic damage based on the ability level, while the Secondary Treants deal now 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 magic damage respectively. All Treants have now a visual glowing effect for better recognition.
-fixed a bug related to Reelvo' "Guardian Tunnel" ability not being able to stun flying enemies.
-the base attack damage of Faction Melee Creeps has been rescaled from 30 to 20.
-the base attack damage of Faction Ranged Creeps has been rescaled from 25 to 15.
-added a visual effect to Veesray' "Blindsided Shot".
-added an additional camp of Eredar Creeps above the middle part of the top lane.
-Lancester' "Thunder Blast" ability was reworked as following: Empowers Lancester' attacks with thunder, dealing bonus magic damage per hit. Thunder Blast goes through magic immunity and the bonus damage ignores armor.
-Psychic Headband (item) gold cost was reduced from 750 to 600.
-new hero, Chaos the Planeswalker, located in the 5th list of heroes.
-a new shop is in progress, Tomb of Relics, it will sell the strongest items in the game.
-fixed a bug causing Fedora' "Ancestral Empowerment" ability to trigger the Crystal Connection passive.
-fixed a bug causing the Jungle Creeps that possess Crystals to give nothing if multiple heroes were killing one at the same time. Crystal bounty was increased from 1 to 2.
-fixed a bug causing Jabbz's "Empowered Arsenal" passive ability to remain attached if he died before the timer ended.
-fixed a bug causing trees to repeatedly show the birth animation upon respawning. Trees respawn instantly now.
-Chromadark Warden' "Spectral Split" ability damage was increased from 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 to 105 / 185 / 265 / 345 magic damage.
-Scarlet Hag' "Shade of Terror" ability cast range was increased from 675 to 700.
-Scarlet Hag' base armor was increased from 0 points to 3.
-Undersoul Vampire' base armor was increased from 3 points to 5.
-Light Nomad' base armor was increased from 2 points to 5.
-Renegade Wizards (Jungle Creeps) do not have Purge anymore. It was replaced by Frost Bolt. Allows them to deal 145 magic damage and interrupt current order of the hit target.
-opened up 2 pathway spots on the top lane for each faction so that the nearby gems can be reached faster.
-Lumbermill of the Magician (shop) is now available at the entrance of each base. All items sold from this shop, grant now additional stats aside from their active component:
->Horn of the Clouds grants +15 Agility;
->Demon Idol grants +15 Strength;
->Arcane Lasso grants +15 Intelligence;
->Gauntlet of the Five Thunders grants +60% attack speed;
->Portal Key grants +10 Agility and +6 Strength;
->Lithium Shield grants +14 armor;
->Vanguard of the Avatar grants +60% magic resistance;
->Mirror Link grants a +40 health regeneration aura with 750 radius every 2 seconds;
->Wand of the Talons grants +60 movement speed;
->Lamb Token causes a flying sheep to dive into a random enemy within 750 range, every 6 seconds, dealing 140 magic damage to it;
->Midas' Forgotten Blade adds +70 gold to last hits done by normal attacking only;
->Skull of the Alchemist grants +45% damage when attacking an enemy structure.
-implemented a new shop, Tomb of Relics, which provides 12 powerful items that can be bought using both Gold and Crystals.
-Eredar Sorcerer (neutral creep) Dispel ability was replaced by Visage Explosion. Disrupts an enemy target and deals 120 magic damage to it.
-the Overlords respawn like all regular Jungle Creeps.
-adjusted the Emerald of Damage buff description to the actual power-up.
-fixed a bug related to the True Sight detection of Defensive Towers, being 500 radius instead of matching their attack range.
-the duration of all Slowing Debuffs has been reduced by 0.70 seconds.
-fixed a bug causing certain physical damage abilities to trigger lifesteal restoration granted by Vampiric Necklace and its upgrades.
-fixed a bug related to the Avatar of Blood (item) not granting the bonuses from Blood Scarf.
-Health Gem (item) bonus health was reduced from 300 points to 150. The item' cost was reduced from 1080 gold to 600.
-Mana Gem (item) bonus mana was reduced from 300 points to 100. The item' cost was reduced from 1080 gold to 450.
-Warrior Gem (item) total bonus health and mana points were reduced from 300 to 200. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Psychic Helmet (item) total bonus health was reduced from 400 points to 250. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Enigmatic Orb (item) total bonus mana was reduced from 300 points to 200. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Perchament of the Monarch (item) total bonus health was reduced from 300 points to 250. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Tome of the Battlemage (item) total bonus mana was reduced from 600 points to 400. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Monarch' Knuckles (item) total bonus health was reduced from 300 points to 250. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Void Beacon (item) total bonus mana was reduced from 400 points to 200. The item' recipients costs were adjusted accordingly.
-Phantom Shuriken (item) gold cost was increased from 1850 to 2450. Its tooltip has been updated to the current item version.
-the environment of the terrain was improved and the vegetation color tones were adjusted to a different, more pleasant one.
-the number of Faction Creeps spawned per lane was rescaled. Now only 2 Melee Creeps and 1 Ranged Creep are spawned per side and lane. Their grouped movement has been adjusted in order to fix random bugs like one group of creeps reaching the enemy line faster than the other and so on.
-Ranged Faction Creeps grant now 50% more experience.
-Melee Faction Creeps grant now 30% more experience.
-Melee Faction Creeps have 600 base health now instead of 425.
-Ranged Faction Creeps have 550 base health now instead of 375.
-fixed a bug related to the Faction Creeps health and attack damage increment bonuses not working as described.
-gold received from last hits on Faction Creeps was increased from 40 to 75 for both Melee and Ranged Faction Creeps.
-the middle Jungle Creeps Camp situated above the top lane has been removed.
-Yog' "Solar Shard" ability cannot be used anymore on enemies under the effects of his ultimate.
-added a unique visual effect to Quantum Core (item) dispel triggering.
-Radikon (item) active ability, Spiritual Cleanse, was reworked and works now on both enemies and allies as following: Dispels all buffs and debuffs from the detected units and heroes in the targeted area, restoring 40 health and mana per buff/debuff to the hero.
-improved the visual effect of the Phoenix Claw (item).
-all items sold by the Lumbermill of the Magician have readjusted costs related to both gold and crystals.
-Ivory' "Cold Grapple" ability cannot trigger Arcane Thruster anymore. Triggering the knockback would make the hook useless since it will miss the actual target.
-walls can now also be physically destroyed by any spell which destroys trees.
-destroying trees and walls now allows the heroes to walk on the respective area with no restrictions.
-new hero, Galevon the Ultimate Lich, located on the 5th list of heroes.
-Melee Faction Creeps base health was reduced from 600 points to 425.
-Ranged Faction Creeps base health was reduced from 550 points to 300.
-Kynezis' "Absorb Tree" ability has a missile animation now and the random bug that caused the ability to have no cooldown during certain casts was fixed.
-Stanford' model was improved.
-Stanford' "Blast Rifle" ability has been reworked. Instead of dealing area magic damage to multiple targets, it now affects only the targeted foe, dealing 2 types of damage, physical from Agility and magical from Strength. The spell mana costs have been rescaled to 75/85/95/105.
-Glixio' "Toxin Mace" ability has been reworked. It is now a closed range attack that deals magic damage and mini-stuns the foe. Enemies debuffed by Corroding Transfusion will release toxin spores if Toxin Mace is cast on them.
-Glixio' "Rotten Reactor" ability was reworked. It now launches a poison bile to a random enemy within 600 radius, dealing magic damage and quickly boosting Glixio' movement speed by 45%. It's cooldown was reduced to 1.5 seconds and the spell cannot trigger the Crystal Connection passive or on-cast item passives anymore!
-Trees are not selectable anymore.
-Damage dealt from Faction Creeps against Hero type armor was reduced by 30%.
-Damage dealt from Faction creeps against Fortified type armor was reduced by 30%.
-fixed a bug related to Kerrogx' "Energy Burner" ability not triggering on non-hero enemies at level 2; 3 and 4.
-Arcane Conductor (item) ability effect causes the next incoming instance of magic damage dealt to the debuffed target to be amplified by 300 points instead of amplifying all instances as before. The visual effect was improved.
-Claws of Attack (item) gold cost was reduced from 885 to 650.
-Chaos' "Primal Velocity" ability does not consume mana points when toggled on now, it reduces Chaos' armor by 20 points instead.
-Silver "Severe Disruption" ability credits him the killing source if the damage dealt kills the target.
-fixed a bug causing Silver's toggleable ultimate to trigger the passive effects from Tidal Spirit; Water Diadem and Voidfire Urn if it was manually cast.
-Reelvo' "Guardian Tunnel" ability does not remove his vision for 1 second anymore.
-Reelvo' "Outworld Blessing" empowers "Magic Touch" with bonus magic damage based on Reelvo' Strength which cannot be negated.
-Reelvo' ultimate "Underworld Portal" has been reworked into "Loop Furnance" - Releases a continuous stream of flames around Reelvo, dealing up to 100 area magic damage per flame released. Lasts 6 seconds and has a 600 radius of effect.
-Nixie' "Energy Birds" ability cooldown was increased from 14 seconds to 35 at all levels.
-Glixio' "Toxin Mace" ability has a different visual effect now to avoid confusion with "Rotten Reactor" ability cast.
-Ivory the Frozen Outlaw was changed into Zenjor the Tundra Assassin, maintaining current abilities. He is now a melee hero instead of short-ranged and his ultimate "Devastating Force" had its damage values rescaled from 3.2x / 3.4x / 3.6x to 5.2x / 5.4x / 5.6x Intelligence.
-Browna' "Fang Call" ability was reworked as following: Browna stuns the targeted enemy for 1 second and lets loose his ferocious Spirit Wolf towards it. The Spirit Wolf attacks every second, dealing irreducible area damage within 450 radius.
-Browna' "Inner Ferocity" ability was reworked into "Force Breaker": Whenever an opponent touches Browna or it's attacked by him, the opponent' total attack damage is reduced for 3 seconds. Enemy towers are also affected under the same conditions.
-Lancester the Hammerforge has been disabled until the next update when he will be reworked.
-fixed a bug related to the initial creeps spawn not being at minute 1 and 30 seconds.
-both Top Lane and Bottom Lane are much more larger now.
-the Crystal costs of all external items have been greatly increased and now they can be purchased only after 8 minutes passed in game. The same external item cannot be bought more than once anymore per each team.
-the good force (left side) was renamed into Heaven Guardians.
-Faction Creeps are much more resistant now, starting from level 1 to the last available evolution state.
-Faction Creeps spawn with an additional Melee Creep now on each wave.
-increased the armor of both Faction Guardians from 15 points to 45.
-all Defense Towers attack faster by 10% now.
-Whenever a Defense Tower is now destroyed, all players get a notification and a unique sound plays.
-Jungle Creeps can now properly attack targets with flying movement. All Jungle Creeps have been changed as following: Wendingos -> Pandarens; Eredards -> Hostile Night Elves;
-Messages in-game can be cleared now if the word "clear" is typed in the message box.
-Tidal Spirit (item) magic bonus amplification for targeted spells has been reduced from 90 to 60. It cannot be stacked with itself anymore, only with its upgraded forms.
-Water Diadem (item) causes the water chain released to deal 80 magic damage instead of 120.
-Morphonomic Butterfly (item) damage dealt by the mirror images was reduced from 45% of the hero' attack damage to 20%.
-Umbral Urn (item) deals now 100 bonus irreducible damage from targeted spells instead of 120 magic damage bonus and a unique visual effect appears now. The name of the item was changed into Voidfire Urn. It cannot be stacked with itself anymore.
-Warrior Beer (item) healing effect cannot be stacked with itself anymore, only with the upgraded form of the item.
-Dagger of Vibration (item) healing effect cannot be stacked with itself anymore, only with Warrior Beer.
-Thorium Halberd (item) gold cost was reduced from 1700 to 1450.
-Dust of Revelation (item) gold cost was reduced from 450 to 200.
-Lightning Shard (item) has 8 charges instead of 4 now.
-Vampiric Potion (item) gold cost was reduced from 550 to 250.
-Lancester the Hammerforge has been reworked into Orstor the Elemental Terminus. His abilities were changed from: Storm Diver to Geo Blade; Thunder Blast to Armor-Shattering Ice; Electric Cleanse to Energy Cleanse; Energized Forge to Chained Plague. Geo Blade deals more damage now per level. Armor-Shattering Ice has a unique visual effect and fully negates any armor, applying the bonus damage through it. Chained Plague (reworked ultimate) - Summons a global chain of plague out of the primarily targeted enemy towards each visible enemy on the map, adding bonus magic damage per each target. Chained Plague jumps on another lane once all targets detected in the current one are hit.
-Soldier Ogake the Dwarven Commando has been reworked into Doctor Graves the Mad Scientist. Primary attribute was changed from Agility to Intelligence. Agility gain per level rescaled from 2.50 to 2.30 and Intelligence from 1.80 to 2.30. His abilities were changed from: Bombs on the Way to Plague Diver, which now applies a 30% movement slow for 2 seconds to all enemies along the dashed direction. Incineration Cog to Bile Vial; Explosive Sharpnel to Splashed Alchemy. Damage dealt per missile was reduced from 100 magic damage to 75. Flames of Sin to Blaze Raze.
-Faction Creeps are now upgraded differently per each interval of 6 minutes. Gaining +175 health and +15 Attack Damage on the first and only +5 after that every 6 minutes.
-Faction Creeps' base armor was reduced with 10 points.
-Charox' "Incinerate" ability mentions now that is a non-stacking attack morpher.
-Kredgor' "Blades of the Rift" ability mentions now that is a non-stacking attack morpher.
-All Lifesteal Activations granted by Vampiric Potion; Vampiric Necklace; Sphere of Energy and Vampire Gauntlet, grant now +20 Attack Damage along the 30% bonus Lifesteal. The activations cannot be stacked. A visual effect is now displayed on the hero buffed.
-Opal of Illusion (gemstone) was reworked into Opal of Summoning. Once picked up, it creates a Jungle Sidekick for the respective hero. Has 500 health, 27-33 Hero type attack damage and 10 Hero type armor. Lasts 30 seconds.
-Morphonomic Butterfly (item) active component was reworked into 2 passive components, acting differently depending on the attack range of the hero. Cleave - Melee heroes deal distributes 40% of their attack damage around the hit target within 450 radius. Multishot - Ranged heroes release multiple missiles, dealing 40% of their attack damage within 450 radius.
-the Overlord Towers do not engage enemies outside of their rooms anymore.
-the Overlord Towers do not drop Tokens of Life anymore.
-Claire the Forest Warden has been reworked into Naeegor the Tectonic King, now a melee hero based on Strength instead of Agility. Stats from Agility gained per level were reduced from 2.40 to 2.10. Stats from Strength gained per level were increased from 1.60 to 3.20. Abilities were changed as following: Feather Grounder into Geoaxe - Unleashes a shockwave that deals magic damage to all enemies hit and teleports Naeegor at the initial targeted location. Can be cast from 1500 range and if it's cast from a lower range, the shockwave will continue to raze the ground until it reaches 1500 range. Nature Guardians into Diagonal Rupture - Slams the ground, causing a diagonal rupture on it for a set amount of time. Enemies near the rupture will take 35 magic DPS or 70 magic damage if they are inside. Feral Accuracy into Improved Ground Control - Naeegor' elderly experience grants him bonus attack damage and 40% chance to deal 30 bonus magic damage and mini-stun the hit enemy . The Diagonal Rupture ability inherits these effects when cast. Sharpened Shooter into Tectonic Assault - Maintains the same mechanics but its visuals were changed to fit the reworked hero.
-Outcast Tempori' "Chrono Bumper" ability has been reworked into "The Blazeator" - A gigantic orb of flames is launched towards 2300 range in the targeted direction, dealing magic damage to any foe it touches. Damaged enemies are also slowed by 30% for 3 seconds.
-Orstor' "Geo Blade" ability has been reworked into "Azure Runeblade. Azure ice infuses Orstor' runeblade, slowing the attack speeds of all nearby enemies by 35% for 4 seconds and causing him to release 5 instances of area physical damage. Enemies picked within 300 range to each instance will take physical damage based on Orstor' Strength.
-Orstor' ultimate "Chained Plague" has been changed into "Polar Plague", acts the same way but its effects uses frost magic now instead of death.
-fixed a bug causing Revitalizer Shard (item) passive ability to give only 7 area bonus armor instead of 8.
-Doctor Graves' "Bile Vial" area of effect rescaled from 100 to 240 at all levels.
-added a visually specific debuff effect for armor reductions.
-Jungle Creeps are now spawned after the first wave of Faction Creeps is spawned.
-the score multiboard and all buttons / abilities tooltips have a blending gray border and background related to the primary UI.
-Vial of Eternal Regeneration (item) heals the full amount now after 5 seconds instead of 2.
-Morphonomic Butterfly (item) was changed into Glow Butterfly. Its passive was reworked into Glow Blast (stacks with attack morphers) - 12% chance per attack to stun the foe in place for 0.80 seconds and deal 90 bonus magic damage to it.
-Kredgor' "Rift Breaker" ability does not deal additional area damage when the units are pulled towards its center anymore.
-Herronia the Woods Stalker has been reworked into Phineas the Sky Juggernaut. Current abilities were visually changed to fit the hero' theme but the ultimate was entirely reworked into "Heat-Seeking Interceptors" - releases a continuous barrage of damaging rockets towards all visible enemies within 1000 radius. Maximum level of Armament Boost is applied to Phineas during Heat-Seeking Interceptors. His 3rd ability was changed entirely. He has now, Conducted Lightning -- Redirects an unstable energy cone to the targeted enemy, slowing it down by 80% for a brief moment. When the slow is lifted, the target takes magic damage. Conducted Lightning dispels Phineas of all negative buffs when cast.
-Grave Mural (item) passive effect from "Death Wish" cannot be stacked.
-All passive and active components from items are now highlighted.
-implemented Artificial Intelligence, mostly for testing, is not that smart.
-camera angle and view were adjusted to a lower scale of 20%
-Monkey Monk' "Natural Convergence" duration per treant was rescaled from 30 seconds to 5 seconds. The cooldown of the spell was reduced from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
-Monkey Monk' "Vine Trap" duration per trap was rescaled from 40 seconds to 6 seconds.
-players start to gain gold per second now when the Faction Creeps spawning announcer appears instead of when they pick a hero.
-added a visual effect to Revitalizer Shard armor aura.
-Phineas' "Target Marker" on-hit explosion radius was reduced from 400 to 300.
-fixed a bug related to the button positioning of Veesray' ultimate.
-fixed a bug related to Yog' third ability, Jaakura Blade, being replaced by Phineas' Conducted Lightning. The ability was reworked as following: Slashes the target at closed range, dealing magic damage and restoring Yog' health based on the damage dealt. Jaakura Blade restores 80 mana at all levels and consumes none.
-Galevon' "Cryojets" ability has now a duration of 8 seconds transformed instead of 20 seconds. The ability' cooldown has been set to 40 seconds at all levels.
-Orstor "Azure Runeblade" ability applies the area damage and the slow simultaneously and with the same radius of effect.
-Overlord Towers were removed and replaced by the Nadrex Overlord. A powerful ancient that lies dormant at the top of the map.
-fixed a bug related to Naeegor' "Ground Control" ability not being applied to him until level 4.
-fixed a bug related to Silver' "Severe Disruption" ability dealing twice the amount of damage instead of normal.
-Jinshao' "Demonic Reflexes" ability was reworked. It works the opposite way now, the counter-attack is a chanced spinning attack that deals his Agility as physical damage to the attacked target.
-Jinshao' "Ultra Instinct" cooldown ability was fixed.
-fixed a bug related to the starting kill score, First Blood not being announced if the killing source was Neutral Hostile; Heaven Faction or Underground Faction.
-added an additional highground platform that can be used for ward placing. It is located in the middle of the bottom side jungle area nearby the bottom lane.
-gold gained from hero kills is now based on the following formula: current level of dying hero x 40 base gold.
-Morbina' "Poison Stream" has been reworked into "Drawned Projection" - A mirror projection reduces the target's armor for the next 5 seconds and emits a group of additional projections towards the closest 7 enemies within 800 radius, dealing random magic damage each. The damage dealt varies from 80 to 120.
-Lightning Spirit (item) and Avatar of Blood (item) cannot be carried and used by Morbina anymore. If the items are purchased on this hero, they will be instantly removed and the gold will be fully refunded. This restriction was applied to balance the hero's ultimate, which was constantly firing lightning bolts whenever the DPS of the ultimate triggered on the affected enemy.
-Lightning Shard (item) costs now +1 additional Crystal.
-Reelvo' hero model was changed.
-Reelvo' "Magic Touch" cannot target allies anymore.
-the shortcut portal from both hero bases has been removed.
-updated the Nadrex Towers models.
-most passable trees way are not impassable anymore unless the trees are destroyed.
v1.43 and 1.43b:
-Pixel' "Magnoconduction" ability releases the energy chains every second now instead of half a second as before.
-Stitches' "Ground Blighter" ability' visual effect of the DPS instances was changed and it does not cause frame drop anymore.
-Algammon' "Haunting Trace" ability damage rescaled from 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 to 75 / 150 / 225 / 300.
-Algammon' "Aging Strike" ability slow amount is normally applied now. Each aging attack deals now 100 bonus irreducible damage.
-Jinshao' "Burning Brotherhood" ability visual effect is now more visible.
-Silver' "Empower" ability deals now +25% more damage at all levels.
-improved the aesthetics of the environment.
-Orstor' model has been changed to fit the hero' affiliation more.
-Naeegor the Tectonic King has been disabled temporarily until the next update.
-Naeegor' "Diagonal Rupture" ability cooldown has been rescaled from 15 seconds to 30 at all levels.
-Lightning Spirit (item) attack morpher is now a non-stacking one and works on each forced attack (manual right-click), dealing 20 magic damage to 4 enemy targets chained.
-Avatar of Blood (item) attack morpher is now a non-stacking one and works on each forced attack (manual right-click), dealing 30 magic damage to 6 enemy targets chained.
-Lightning Spirit and Avatar of Blood can now be purchased and used by Morbina.
-Fixed a bug causing Lightning Spirit or Avatar of Blood to disappear when purchased by any hero.
-Venom Trident (item) is now a non-stacking attack morpher.
-damage reduction against physical damage granted by all types of armor has been increased by 30%
-the hero selection areas are now separated from the hero bases.
-the base armor points for all heroes were readjusted.
-Naeegor the Tectonic King is now available.
-Naeegor' first ability "Geoaxe" has been reworked -- Permanently increases Naeegor'' current attack damage and when off cooldown, the next attack that is manually ordered (forced right-click), will cause him to blast the target, dealing twice his current attack damage with 75 bonus magic damage on the second attack. Stacking attack morphers are only applied on the primary attack.
-Sylas' "Natural Convergence" ability was reworked into "Hallowed Wisps" -- Summons an untargetable and uncontrollable Hallowed Wisp for 15 seconds that attacks nearby enemies within 550 range, dealing magic damage and marking them for 8 seconds. When a marked enemy dies, a weaker Hallowed Wisp appears for 10 seconds but is unable to multiply further.
-Sylas' "Vine Trap" ability was reworked into "Animated Contraption". Acts similar as the previous one but now causes all trapped enemies to lose 7 armor points for 5 seconds and take 20% additional damage from the Hallowed Wisp' magic attacks.
-Naeegor' ultimate "Destructosurfer" applies now 30% movement slow to enemies hit.
-improved the visual effect from attacks morphed by Lightning Spirit and Avatar of Blood.
-Chaos' "Three Lantern Strikes" ability cooldown was increased from 11 seconds to 18 at all levels.
-Chaos' "Burstfly" ability was replaced by "Planeflight Blaster" - Allows Chaos to fly towards a targeted point, dispelling negative buffs upon departure. If Primal Velocity is active, he deals 175 area magic damage before flying and turns corporeal again.
-Chaos' "Primal Velocity" was reworked into "Primal Form" - Activate Primal Form to turn Chaos into his spirit form. Chaos cannot attack and cannot be attacked in spirit form but moves faster. Primal Form can be toggled on and off during Recall or while casting other abilities.
-Outcast Tempori "Chrono Engine Reset Button" sub-ability now causes enemies that were currently slowed by "The Blazeator" to take 100 magic damage from reactive energy chains.
-improved the selection radius of all heroes that caused minor miss-clicking issues.
-Kredgor' ultimate "Vex Mantra" was reworked -- Sends a mirage of Kredgor towards the targeted location, summoning a Void Rift upon arrival. Nearby enemies take 140 area magic DPS once the Void Rift appears. Every half of a second, the Void Rift instantly pulls in enemies in its range.
-Algammon' "Haunting Trace" ability was replaced by "Ignuum Incantations" -- Emits a continuous pulse around him, repeatedly reducing nearby enemies' movement, attack damage and attack speed by 30% for 2 seconds, while nearby allies and him gain a 30% attack damage bonus for 2 seconds. Neither the buff nor the debuff can be dispelled.
-Algammon' "Sou Grip" ability visuals were improved. It restores now 250 health if Lifeleech Aura is active instead of 150.
-Algammon' "Vampiric Aura" was replaced by "Lifeleech Aura", it now only affects himself and restores +30% more life on attacks.
-environmental structures are now fully destructible and will be destroyed by most spells that affect trees and walls.
-the entire map was redesigned and changed.
-hero bases are now located near the Core Structure.
-all Defensive Towers were repositioned.
-the Nadrex Overlord is now located above the top lane and it will not engage until it's attacked.
-added a visual effect whenever the Faction Creeps spawn.
-the base armor of all Faction Creeps was rescaled from 10 to 3 points.
-trees regrowth now normally.
-fixed Outcast Tempori' additional effect from his ultimate not working on debuffed enemies by The Blazeator.
-Reelvo' ultimate "Loop Furnance" duration rescaled from 6 seconds to 4 seconds at all levels.
-Keendra the Scarlet Hag has been changed into Sandro the Shades Councillor, preserving the same abilities. First spell "Shade of Terror" has a more recognizable visual effect now and physically attaches to the targeted opponent.
-Stanford the Ironclave Rifleman has been reworked into Svetlana the Agent of Destruction. All abilities were mainted but buffed. Pocket Gravity Bomb has a cooldown of 7 seconds at all levels now instead of 12. Mechanized Zapper was fully reworked -- Svetlana surrounds herself in electricity for a set amount of time, granting an allied 60% bonus movement aura for 2 seconds and dealing 90 magic damage to enemies around per each jolt. Has a 650 radius of effect and every jolt triggers after 0.80 seconds off the previous one triggered.
-updated the models for Mantra Sorceress; Light Nomad; Shades Councillor and Agent of Destruction.
-if Kynezis the Arch Sage is picked, the player controlling it gets vision on the trees located upon the city platforms so that he can target them with his first ability "Absorb Tree". The visibility is not applied on the nearby lanes, jungle areas or other locations.
-improved the AI controlled heroes. They properly engage enemies detected within 1400 radius and do not ignore them anymore.
-minor issues related to the map pathing were fixed.
-fixed the minor frame drops caused by the initial cast of certain abilities.
-Nixie' avatar icon was updated.
-Nixie' "Lunar Quiver" ability is a non-stacking attack morpher now.
-Silver' "Empower" ability is a non-stacking attack morpher now.
-added 2 new bosses, the Tidal Dragons. At each bottom side corner of the map near the shipyard, lies a dormant Tidal Dragon, that has 2500 health, 5 health regeneration, 35 armor, 200 Chaos type attack damage. Killing a Tidal Guardian, grants 750 gold and 10 Crystals to the killer and to all of its allied players. Once a Tidal Dragon is killed, it can respawn exactly as the other Jungle Creeps.
-Slicser' ultimate "Elder Parasite" was reworked into Carrion Spiral -- Devastating bats spring out of the Hive Master, dealing strong physical damage to enemies initially hit and continuously launching waves at enemies within 850 radius, dealing 60 magic damage per wave. All enemies around the Carrion Spiral will lose 70% of their attack damage and 7 of their armor for 8 seconds. Debuffed enemies take 30% more damage from Infestation Party and Swarm Nest.
-all advanced items gained by combining components from a recipe now properly load before the game starts and will not cause initial minor frame drops anymore.
-Kerrogx' "Warpstrike" ability cooldown was increased from 8 seconds to 10 at all levels. It now deals magic damage instead of physical.
-Kerrogx' "Darkness Conduit" ability was replaced by "Phantasma" -- Kerrogx' horse starts charging towards the targeted enemy with intense speed, massively slowing surrounding enemies in place for 2 seconds and dealing magic damage based on Kerrogx' Strength to the target upon impact. Has global casting range.
-Browna' "Summon Glank" ability now passively applies a 20% area movement slow and 40 magic DPS to enemies within 600 radius.
-Silver' "Severe Disruption" ability was reworked into "Sealing Hex" -- A binding curse slows the target' movement completely for 1.50 seconds and silences it. Silver' combined Agility and Intelligence will be dealt as irreducible damage to the target.
-Silver' "Mana Shield" ability was reworked -- Activate to form a shield of pure mana that blocks 80% of incoming damage using Silver' mana pool. Works against all types of damage, including lethal and irreducible.
-Bounty Gold gained from last hitting Faction Creeps was reduced by 50%.
-Charox the Barrel Brawler was reworked into Charox the Geo Brawler. Abilities were maintained but adapted to the new look.
-the Earth Pandaren jungle creep was reworked into Cinder Pandaren.
-Hexion the Permafrog was reworked into Shardrona the Magimantra Herald. Abilities were maintained but adapted to the new look.
-the Tidal Dragons were removed.
-greatly improved the trees models and terrain environment.
-Defensive Tower do not add stacking damage on a focused target anymore, their attacks have 20% chance to deal 100 bonus damage now instead.
-fixed a bug causing Kerrogx' "Phantasma" ability to redirect his charge towards the bottom side of the map whenever a Faction Creep was killed by a Defensive Tower.
-Kerrogx' "Phantamsa" ability cooldown was increased from 17 seconds to 21 at all levels.
-Kerrogx' "Warpstrike" ability cooldown was increased from 10 seconds to 13 at all levels.
-Kerrogx' "Hyperbasher of Death" ability cooldown was increased from 70 seconds to 80 at all levels.
-Doctor Graves' "Blaze Raze" ability not deploying the heat ring was fixed.
-Billy' Intelligence gained per level up was rescaled from 1.80 to 2.25.
-Jabbz' Intelligence gained per level up was rescaled from 1.50 to 1.80.
-Browna' Strength gained per level up was rescaled from 3.50 to 3.
-Shamanic Totem (item) gold cost was reduced from 800 to 600.
-base attack damage for all heroes was reduced from 45 to 35.
-whenever a hero dies now, regardless of the killing source, all of its enemy players will gain +1 Crystal.
-the Jungle Sidekick has maximum movement now and +10 damage.
-all hero selection lists have been split into individual Taverns.
-added 2 new heroes, Jackson and Vashjev, located in the Mystic Tavern.
-improved the visual animations during spellcast to all heroes.
-the Lumbermill of the Magician and Tomb of Relics were removed. Most of their abilities were redistributed to the rest of the advanced items.
-all advanced items that can be crafted have their components list mentioned now only in the shops.
-Scarab Totem (item) active component "Mana Restoration" was reworked into "Scarab Barrier" - Restores 300 mana to the hero, grants him/her complete immunity to magic damage and debuffs and deals 40 area magic DPS for 5 seconds but silences and deals zero damage on attacks during this time. Cooldown time: 40 seconds.
-Talisman of Conjuration (item) was reworked. Increases Agility by 10 and Strength by 6. Conjuration (passive) - Amplifies the damage dealt by 40% for particular abilities. Check their description. Grants the Transportation (active) - Allows the hero to teleport up to 1200 range towards the targeted direction, avoiding incoming projectiles upon initial cast. Cooldown time: 25 seconds.
-Voidfire Urn (item) has an active component now "Arcane Amplification" - Debuffs the target enemy, causing the next instance of magic damage received by it to be amplified by 300. The curse reduces the target's Magic Resistance by 25% and lasts 15 seconds or until the damage amplification cap is reached. Cooldown time: 30 seconds.
-Hyper Crown (item) has an active component now "Hyper Shield" - The hero gains +100 armor and prevents enemy targeted spells to be cast on him/her for 5 seconds. Whenever a spell is stopped, the hero restores 100 health. Cooldown time: 45 seconds.
-Kynezis' "Absorb Tree" ability was replaced by "Orbital Mana Blade". Psychic energy strikes the targeted foe, dealing a percentage of Kynezis' maximum mana as magic damage. Applies Disrupt on the affected target, instantly stopping its currently issued order.
-Kynezis "Wisdom Aura" ability was reworked into "Energy Control". Enhances Kynezis' mana regeneration and empowers Orbital Mana Blade. 10% of Kynezis current mana is dealt as bonus magic damage whenever Orbital Mana Blade is cast.
-Kynezis' "Polarity Sphere" ability strikes now 2 enemies per instance but will knockback only the primary hit target.
-Slicser "Swarm Nest" casting range bug at maximum level was fixed.
-Jinshao' "Demonic Reflexes" ability was replaced with "Ember Turmoil" - Jinshao' mastery with the sword grants him 17% on each attack to unleash a stream of flames, dealing area irreducible damage. Breaks through magic immunity states.
-Gwen' model was changed to a more fitting one.
-Algammon' model was changed to a more fitting one.
-all heroes were remodeled and individualized. Number of total heroes was reduced from 42 to 36.
-Galevon' ultimate "Puncture Shards" was replaced by "Freeze Breeze" - Forms a circular area of intense frost at the targeted location. Every second, enemies inside the area or near it will be constantly hit by multiple frost waves, taking 80 pure damage from each.
-improved the casting animation timers for Kerrogx and Marvin.
-Reelvo' "Guardian Tunnel" ability was replaced by "Brutal Impaler" - Impales the target, removing all of its beneficial buffs and forcibly launching it into the air for a brief moment, then dealing area magic damage. Nearby enemies are slowed by 30%.
-Morbina the Venom Revenant was changed into Nathan the Revenant Ranger, maintaining the same abilities.
-Rinnen the Exiled Succubus was changed into Rinnen the Moon Guardian, maintaining the same abilities but changing them to match the hero nature. Her ultimate grants now +30% attack speed during the interval.
-fixed a bug related to Shardrona' "Skeletal Trench" ability stunning for a longer duration instead of 0.60 seconds. The slow debuff radius now properly matches the initial stun debuff radius.
-the visual effect from Avatar of Blood (item)' reflected damage was changed to more fitting one.
-each player' Circle of Power provides now the Improved Mansonry ability -- Fortifies all of your allied Faction Structures for 5 seconds, granting them +100 armor. Defense Towers also gain +80% attack damage during this time. Duration cannot be prolonged and the values cannot be stacked by multiple Improved Mansonry activations. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
-each player' Circle of Power provides now the Area Scan ability -- Grants vision to your team for 3 seconds over a 420 radius around the targeted location. Reveals invisible enemies in the area. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
-improved the spell casting animation time to all heroes, making them cast the abilities faster by 50%.
-greatly improved the map pathing and walkability through trees. Heroes cannot remain stuck anymore inside buildings if parts of them were destroyed by certain abilities.
-both lanes have been placed along with trees areas in order to reduce the empty pointless areas and focus the dynamics of the battles.
-both Hero Bases have now high ground field.
-Rinnen' "Violent Moon" ability has a more recognizable visual effect now and the damage sources are perfectly visible.
-Reelvo the Deity Incarnate has been changed into Reelvo the Goblin Maniac, maintaining the same abilities but adapting them to the new look. Hero difficulty was changed from hard to easy.
-Charox' "Cold Amplification" ability was replaced with "Chilled Pulse" - Charox emits a continuous pulse around him, repeatedly reducing nearby enemies' movement, attack damage and attack speed by 30% for 2 seconds, while nearby allies and him gain a 30% attack damage bonus for 2 seconds. Neither the buff nor the debuff can be dispelled.
-fixed a bug causing certain Lifesteal passives to be dispelled by Orstor' "Energy Cleanse" ability or the Scarab Barrier active ability of the Scarab Totem (item).
-fixed a bug related to Billy' "Negative Energy" ability not granting killing credit to Billy if it would be lethal.
-all items that grant lifesteal passives are now considered non-stacking attack morphers and will replace other attack morphers in the inventory.
-Vampiric Necklace (item) grants now 23% Lifesteal and no more bonus attack damage.
-Sphere of Energy (item) grants now 30% Lifesteal and no more bonus attack damage.
-Vampire Gauntlet (item) grants now 42% Lifesteal and no more bonus attack damage.
-Vampiric Potion (item) was reworked -- Once activated, grants 20% additional Lifesteal until you die. Has 2 Charges. If the hero does not have any Lifestealing items, the buff acts as a 20% standalone Lifesteal. Cannot be stacked with another activation.
-Orstor' "Energy Cleanse" ability tooltip mentions now that both buffs and debuffs are removed upon activation.
-added Crystal Pylons at the top side of each Faction Area. Killing a Crystal Pylon, grants +10 Crystals to all players of the killer' team.
-Crystal Pylons now spawn when all Jungle Creeps spawn. The bonus Crystals are granted whenever one of them is destroyed instead of only once upon spawn.
-Yiglax' "The Soulnado" ability was reworked. It does not damage allies anymore and applies area magic DPS to enemies hit instead of two separated instances of damage. It can be negated by Magic Immunity now and also reduced by Magic Resistance.
-fixed a bug that caused heroes to remain stuck in flying movement (visually only), upon respawning after being killed by Reelvo' "Brutal Impaler".
-Nixie' "Starlight Buster" ability has a radius of 850 now instead of 600.
-the health and mana restoration granted by the Crystal Connection innate ability has been reduced from 4 base value to 2.
-all Faction Creeps grant now +15 gold when killed.
-Lightning Spirit (item) was changed. Its passive is now considered a stacking attack-morpher and the damage is instantly applied around the hero -- each attack has 20% chance to call down lightning bolts to all enemies within 650 radius, dealing 100 magic damage to each.
-Avatar of Blood (item) was changed. Its passive is now considered a stacking attack-morpher and the damage is instantly applied around the hero -- each attack has 20% chance to call down lightning bolts to all enemies within 850 radius, dealing 100 magic damage to each.
-implemented a portal for each hero base that leads to the nearby Jungle Area.
-implemented the Buffer Tower. Heroes can now get permanent buffs or long duration ones from this shop.
-Sylas "Hallowed Wisp" visual attack projectiles are more clear now.
-Charox' "Chilled Pulse" visual effect was rescaled.
-Jeensi' "Gemini Ice" ability was replaced by "Incapacitate" - Throws a negatively charged bolt of ice, stunning the target for 1 second and applying a mana burn to it. The amount of mana burned is also dealt as magic damage to the target's health.
-Silver' "Mana Drain" ability was replaced by "Aquatic Mana Storm" - Enchants the ground around him for a set amount of time, blasting up to 4 enemies that walk on it every second, dealing 60 magic damage. Consumes no mana points and restores Silver' mana by 70 on cast. Deals bonus damage if Silver carries a Talisman of Conjuration.
-Silver "Empower" ability has a 45 mana cost per enchanted glaive launched now.
-Silver' difficulty is now Intermediate instead of Hard.
-implemented a new Tavern that comes with 3 new heroes, Caliro the Void Templar; Blaire the Forest Sentinel and Onni and Oggi the Crimson Magi.
-implemented a new UI.
-added the Union Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Links your hero to all allied heroes on the map until only one remains alive or the buff gets dispelled, distributing 50% of incoming damage between all linked heroes. Cannot be stacked with itself!
-added the Mirror Image Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Replicates your hero once, creating an image that takes double damage and deals 20% of the source' attack damage. Can be used multiple times.
-added the Attack Speed Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Grants 45% attack speed until you die or it's dispelled from you. Cannot be stacked with itself!
-added the Invisibility Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Grants invisibility to your hero until you attack or cast a spell.
-added the Damage Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Grants 45% attack damage to you and the entire team. The buff per each target until it dies or the buff it's dispelled from it. Cannot be stacked with itself!
-added the Ghost Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Turns your hero into a ghost for 40 seconds or until the buff it's dispelled. The hero is unable to attack or be attacked in this form and moves faster by 25%.
-added the Magic Barrier Buff to the Buffer Tower --- Grants a 250 magic absorption shield until you die or it's dispelled from you. Cannot be stacked with itself!
-added a unique circular tileset around all Defensive Towers, which also matches their attack radius.
-Gwen' "Blaster Barrage" ability cooldown was increased from 15 seconds to 20 at all levels.
-both Core Structures' areas have a clearer pathing now, allowing creeps and heroes to normally siege it.
-the AoS now fully functions on ALL W3 PATCHES (including Reforged graphics)
-new hero, Blacksmith the Solar Forger, located in the Dawn Tavern.
-Caliro' visual effect from his ultimate was changed to a more visible one.
-Orstor' "Energy Cleanse" ability was reworked into "Supression" - Instantly dispels Orstor and negates any damage currently affecting him. Additional incoming damage received during the activation will be fully blocked;
-Gwen' "Blaster Barrage" ability has a radius of effect now of 600 instead of 1200.
-the Mirror Image buff has now a 20 seconds restock cooldown.
-Wound Swiper (item) granted bonus attack damage was rescaled from 25 to 18. The Critical Strike component deals now +70% bonus damage instead of double. It now has an additional passive component --- Melee Lifesteal (stacking attack morpher) - Grants 30% lifesteal to melee heroes only.
-The Neutral Pandaren Camp has been changed into Wolf Pack Camp.
-the Crystal Connection ability is now displayed near the Arcane Thruster and Augmenting Barrier abilities. Typing "info" will display its tooltip.
-all heroes have now a unique related Innate Active Ability, hotkey on "C", or an Innate Passive Ability:
->Billy the Monolith Guardian - Chronopresence (innate) - Enemies within 650 to Billy, will have their current armor reduced by 13% for the next 5 seconds. Lightning Storm deals 5% bonus damage to affected targets.
->Pixel the Magnosentinel - Heavy Punch (innate) - Punches an enemy at melee range, dealing 100 magic damage and stunning it for 0.75 seconds.
->Outcast Tempori the Chrono Engineer - Automaton (innate) - Amplifies current health regeneration and any health regeneration bonuses by 5%. Automaton cannot be dispelled.
->Naeegor the Tectonic King - The Slammer (innate) - Ground ruptures towards the targeted foe, applying a 2 seconds stun on it.
->Silver the Magebane - Mana Drain (innate) - CHANNELED - Focuses a mana flare between the Magebane and the target, draining 100 of its mana points after 1.5 second channeled. The transfer will be prematurely broken if one source moves away more than 700 range.
->Glixio the Experiment K211 - Mutant Reflexes (innate) - Provides 30% chance to fully avoid an incoming instance of physical damage from attacks. Does not stack with Evasion based items.
->Fedora the Solar Valkyrie - Valkyrie's Flare (innate) - Calls down a beam of light upon the targeted foe, dealing 90 magic damage, and another one to a random second nearby enemy, dealing +80% more damage.
->Forbo the Tribe Trasher - Frost Carrier (innate) - Enemies within 600 to Forbo, will have their current attack speed reduced by 30% for the next 2.5 seconds. Breaks through magic immunity.
->Charox the Polar Praetor - Quick Blizzard (innate) - Releases a barrage of frostbolts towards all enemies within 600 radius, dealing 90 magic damage to each.
->Shardrona the Magimantra Herald - Sorceress Sigil (innate) - Enchants the allied target, restoring up to 275 mana points after 2 seconds passed.
->Jeensi the Chieftain of the Frozen Tundra - Windwalk (innate) - Gains 40% bonus movement and invisibility for 10 seconds or until the next attack. Deals 120 bonus physical damage when striking out of Windwalk.
->Sandro the Shades Councilor - Shade Snack (innate) - Every 7 seconds, Sandro absorbs one of his shades, restoring 100 health points. Cannot be dispelled.
->Kynezis the Arch Sage - Energy Burn (innate) - Flares the targeted enemy, dealing 90 magic damage and burning 90 points of its mana.
->Nathan the Revenant Ranger - Trueshot Aura (innate) - Nathan gains +14% bonus to both his base attack damage and bonus attack damage. The boost is applied to all ranged allied units and heroes within 650 radius.
->Phineas the Sky Juggernaut - Explosive Powder (innate) - Grants 17% chance for each attack to deal +40 physical damage. Stacks with any attack morphers.
->Orstor the Azure Rider - Spirit Stealer (innate) - Orstor' attacks heal him for 20% of the damage dealt. Spirit Stealer restores 10% more health based on the damage dealt with Armor-Shattering Ice. Fully stacks with any attack morphers.
->Marvin the Naval Ganthridor - Trident of the Guardian (innate) - Marvin' attacks distribute 25% of the damage dealt to enemies within 350 radius to the primarily hit one. Stacks with any attack morphers.
->Nixie the Starlight Ranger - Moon Bolt (innate) - Nixie can shoot an enemy from 1500 range, dealing 120 magic damage on impact and interrupting its currently issued order.
->Caliro the Void Templar - Void Struck (innate) - Reduces the target' magic resistance by 15% and causes the next instance of magic damage to deal +120 damage. Lasts 8 seconds or until the bonus damage is dealt.
->Blaire the Forest Sentinel - Sentinel Scout (innate) - Summons an untargetable owl at the targeted location, providing 800 radial vision over the area during both the day and the night for the next 20 seconds.
->Onni and Oggi the Crimson Magi - Bloodlust (innate) - Surges energy into the allied target, granting +20% movement and attack speed for the next 10 seconds.
->Jackson the Justice Admiral - Tidal Wave (innate) - Unleashes a wave of water into the targeted direction, dealing 80 area magic damage to enemies hit.
->Rinnen the Moon Adept - Orbital Aura (innate) - Every 6 seconds, Rinnen unleashes a barrage of stars upon all enemies within 550 radius, dealing 60 magic damage. Damages only visible enemies.
->Chaos the Planeswalker - Planestopper (innate) - Forcibly slows down all enemies in the targeted area by 90% for 2 seconds and causes all of their attacks to miss.
->Sylas the Monkey Monk - Entangle (innate) - Roots an enemy target in throny vines up to 2 seconds if it's a hero, or 4 seconds if it's a non-hero target, dealing 45 magic DPS.
->Reelvo the Goblin Maniac - Wheeled Engine (innate) - Reelvo transforms his gear into a fast moving machine that cannot be slowed or killed. Cannot attack or use items in this form, lasting 6 seconds, but any aura from his items, will still be applied around him.
->Roah the Son of Midas - Disperse (innate) - Roah disperses into gold coins, avoiding incoming damage, dispelling himself of any buff and debuffs, and becoming untargetable up to 1.3 seconds.
->Stanford the Dwarven Commando - Headshot (innate) - Stanford' attacks have 10% to stun the hit target for 1.50 seconds. Stacks with any attack morphers.
->Miss Darkblade the Chromadark Warden - Chromacripple (innate) - A severe curse reduces the target' attack speed, movement and attack damage by 90% for 1.50 seconds.
->Slicser the Hive Master - Carrion Swarm (innate) - Unleashes a wave of angry bats into the targeted direction, dealing 80 area magic damage to enemies hit.
->Yiglax the Soul Shaman - Forced Cleansing (innate) - Removes all buffs from an enemy target and destroys 150 of its mana points.
->Kredgor the Arcanamancer - Arcanamancer Field (innate) - Kredgor applies 20 area magic damage to enemies within his attack radius every second. Goes through magic immunity and even invulnerability states.
->Veesray the Karma Ranger - Clear Sight (innate) - Veesray can normally see invisible enemies and wards within her attack range. Clear Sight works even if Veesray is silenced or if the enemy is magic immune.
->Kerrogx the Dark Cavalier - Phantasmal Curse (innate) - Kerrogx disarms all enemies in the targeted area for up to 2 seconds. Shuts down the effects of any attack morpher during this time and also stops Nathan from attacking ghosted targets.
->Stitches the Darkshire Terror - Fresh Meat (innate) - Stitches eats a non-hero target, either friend or foe, gaining +1 permanent Strength.
->Gwen the Mantra Sorceress - Mantra Flow (innate) - Restores the flow of magic, regenerating 130 mana points to Gwen. Mantra Flow causes the Crystal Connection restoration amount to be doubled during the cast.
->Jinshao the Fire Samurai - Firesnap (innate) - Smites the target enemy, reducing its armor by 35 for 2 seconds. Jinshao deals 12% bonus damage with Ember Turmoil to an enemy affected by Firesnap.
->Jabbz the Thunder Baron - Baron' Ray (innate) - Shocks an enemy, dealing physical damage to it based on 2.4x Jabbz' Strength.
->Galevon the Ultimate Lich - Dire Ice Magic (innate) - Empowers Galevon and all of his allies within 1200 radius with 50 bonus magic damage for all of their single targeted spells or items under the same conditions. Allies buffed retain the effect for more 5 seconds when they are not in Galevon' presence of if he dies.
->Blacksmith the Solar Forger - Sunbathed (innate) - Cleansing flames dispel Blacksmith and turn him magic immune for 1.60 seconds, also dealing area magic damage between 60 - 85 damage within his attack radius.
-implemented a completely new hero selection mode;
-Arcane Thruster (heroic trait) was changed into Arcane Amplification - does not apply knockback anymore, only the bonus damage;
-the Nadrex Overlord was changed; its attack speed was also increased by 40%'
-Jackson' innate ability "Tidal Wave" was replaced with "Structure Flooder" -> Whenever Jackson attacks, his blade has 40% chance to splash all enemy structures within 1400 radius, dealing 45 damage. Stacks with any attack morphers.
-Slicser' innate ability "Carrion Swarm" was replaced with "Hive Host" -> Every 6 seconds, a locust emerges from Slicser towards a random enemy within his attack range, dealing 80 magic damage. Does not break through magic immunity!
-Charox' "Chilled Pulse" visual effect was changed to a more visible one.
-Sylas "Hallowed Wisps" visual effect of their attacks is more visible now.
-Sylas' innate ability hotkey issue overriding "Hallowed Wisps" was fixed.
-fixed a bug causing the Wolf Pack jungle creeps to instantly disappear after being killed, instead of normally dying.
-Crimson Magi' "The Gauntler" ability can now trigger the Arcane Amplification effect.
-Psychic Headband (item) grants now +2 points to all attributes; the damage block chance was reduced from 55% to 30%.
-Attribute Booster (item) gold cost was reduced from 850 to 650.
-Lightning Spirit (item) passive chance was reduced from 20% to 14%. Damage dealt was changed from magic to irreducible (bypasses any armor type).
-Avatar of Blood (item) passive chance was reduced from 20% to 16%. Damage dealt was changed from magic to irreducible (bypasses any armor type).
-Psychic Helmet (item) grants now +2 points to all attributes.
-Hierarch Seal (item) grants now +2 points to all attributes.
-Helm of the Legion (item) grants now +5 points to all attributes.
-Idol of Titanium (item) attributes bonus was increased from 8 points to 13.
-Hyper Crown (item) grants now +5 points to all attributes.
-new hero, Levergord the Hellspawn Disciple;
-Gwen' "Blaster Barrage" ability cooldown has been increased from 20 seconds to 35 seconds at all levels;
-Charox' "Quick Blizzard" innate ability has 35 mana cost now and its visual effect was changed;
-Sylas' "Monarch Pulse" restores now additional health based on 40% of the target's missing health;
-Heroes are now separated based on their attributes in the Hero Selection area;
-base attack speed for all heroes was increased by 20%;
-bonus attack speed gained per each Agility point was doubled;
-movement speed is now also increased by 1% per each Agility point;
-increased the base armor of all Faction Creeps by 3 points;
-decreased the projectile speed of the Ranged Faction Creeps' attacks from 1200 to 900;
-decreased the projectile speed of the Defensive Towers' attacks from 1350 to 900;
-fixed a bug related to the debuff applied by Rinnen' "Moon Stream" ability.
-improved and clarified the minimap;
-3 new Intelligence heroes and 1 new Strength hero;
-Slicser' innate ability's visual effect was changed;
-fixed a bug related to Jackson' "Sea Striker" ability, causing it to apply silence to enemies marked;
-attack radius of all Defensive Towers, located on the lanes, is now properly visible and disappears once the tower it's destroyed;
-Talisman of Conjuration (item) does not grant the Transportation active component anymore. It was replaced by a passive component, Energy Preservation -- casting spells or using active items will restore the hero' health and mana by 40. Toggleable abilities or with no cooldown cannot proc the healing.
-implemented a new UI;
-toned down the radial indicators of all Defense Towers;
-Sandro' attack projectile was lowered;
-adjusted the light;
-Zayron' "Canine Genesis" detection radius to attack was increased from 500 to 675;
-fixed a bug related to Avatar of Blood (item) not giving 30 bonus attack damage as described;
-Billy' innate ability reduces now only 6 points of armor instead of 13% of current enemy armor;
-Yiglax' innate ability cooldown was fixed;
-Gwen' "Arcane Barrage" ability fires now 25% slower and the visual effects were diminished;
-the base armor for all Faction Creeps was reduced by 50%;
-Jabbz' hero model was changed;
-Dagger of Vibrations (item) now negates Jabbz' Empowered Arsenal multishot attack;
-implemented a new shop, Forgotten Tomb, located in the bottom side under each hero base near the shipyard areas. The items from this shop can be directly purchased but they cost a high amount of both gold and crystals;
-Jeensi' base armor was reduced by 3 points and base attack damage by 15 points;
-Sandro' base health was increased by 200 points;
-The Mirror Image buff granted by the Buffer Tower has a 90 seconds duration now instead of unlimited until killed;
-Avatar of Blood (item) has been changed into Lightning Mauler; recipe components are the same.
-Naeegor' innate ability "The Slammer" visual effect was fixed;
-Naeegor' "Diagonal Rupture" ability was changed into Geofield. Acts the same but its visual does not affect sight like it did before;
-Onni and Oggi' "The Gauntler" ability has a more recognizable visual effect now;
-removed the tier 1 advanced item from the AI heroes inventories for early game balancing;
-Chaos' "Primal Form" ability grants now bonus health regeneration instead of bonus movement speed when toggled on;
-Reelvo' innate ability "Wheeled Engine" was replaced by "Repair Shock" - Zaps the allied targeted structure, restoring 100 hit points to it;
-Reelvo' "Brutal Impaler" ability has been reworked into "Overdrive Charges" - Unstable energy shocks the target, removing all of its beneficial buffs and forcibly launches it into the air for a brief moment, then deals area magic damage. Nearby enemies are slowed by 30%. Has an area of effect of 520 now instead of 325 and a cooldown of 14 seconds instead of 10.
-the hero selection area has now indicating attributes icon above each list of heroes;
-Rinnen' "Attunement" ability has a visual indicator now;
-Rinnen' "Violent Moon" has been changed into "Violent Glaive Dance". Acts the same but its visual does not cause the minor framedrops anymore and it's more fluid. It can now be activated instantly while other orders are issued, including Recalling;
-Veesray' "Sonar Cone" ability applies area of effect damage based only on 10% chance now. First hit target still takes the spell' regular damage;
-Orstor' "Azure Runeblade" damage dealt has been reduced by 30% at all levels;
-Miss Darkblade' "Chroma Flames" ability has 70% chance to add the area damage on the "Spectral Split" ability instead of always applying it;
-Heroes take 15% less damage from Faction Creeps now;
-Nadrex Overlord' attack damage was reduced from 450 to 250;
-Fedora' "Valkyrie Flare" innate ability cooldown bug was fixed;
-implemented a new recipe shop (still in progress), Ultimate Arsenal - Arcane Vault, which will contain the most powerful items in the entire game.
-added 9 new heroes, 3 for each attribute;
-implemented a new recipe shop, Arcane Vault, which contains 12 new items;
-Rinnen's "Attunement" passive ability damage counter value was reduced from 3.2x current Agility to 2.4x current Agility;
-the portal to jungle camps has been removed;
-the Improved Mansonry and Area Scan abilities have been removed;
-the Circle of Power is now "Open the Shops" - has the same functionality to allow players to view and buy items while their heroes are out of base and now automatically selects the basic artifacts shop when clicked;
-the buffs granted by the Buffer Tower are now available after 8 minutes passed in game and their stocks are refreshed after 2 minutes of being purchased;
-the base area has been completely redesigned -- all shops are now easier to access.
-Phineas's "Armament Boost" ability has a different visual effect now, no more being mistaken with the Active Lifesteal buff gained from Vampiric Potion or Buffer Tower;
-Levergord's "Wheels of Hell" ability deals now physical area damage instead of magic;
-fixed a bug related to Rainbow' "Realm Port" innate ability having a cooldown of 452 seconds instead of 45;
-the attack range of all melee heroes was adjusted to prevent minor clustering during fights
-the attack projectile speed of all ranged heroes was adjusted to balance them against the melee heroes;
-the Forgotten Tomb (shop) is now located into the hero base;
-fixed a bug related to Zayron; Jabbz; Blacksmith and Galevon, allowing active empowerments from their abilities to remain forever applied if a mirror image buff would be bought from the Buffer Tower. It is now fixed and the empowerments are removed correctly.
-Tome of the Cardinal (item) and Tome of the Battlemage (item) have unique distinct visual auras now;
-Defensive Towers now attack 2 additional targets, but dealing only 20 points of damage per missile;
-the visua effect of the bonus damage applied by Tidal Spirit and Water Diadem was changed;
-Naeegor's model was changed;
-the visual attack range indicators of all Defensive Towers now matches the environment's tone;
-Garnet Rod (item) grants now the kill restoration bonuses from both spells and attacks as long as the killing source is solely the hero. Applies to its upgraded variants too.
-Yiglax's "Bond Breaker" and "Spiritual Downpour" abilities' debuffs do not increase the damage applied by "The Soulnado" anymore;
-the stairs at the entrance of each base have been removed, allowing an easier pathing for creeps and heroes;
-the center Defensive Towers are now located at the two entrances towards the Principal Structure; they also have now range indicators like the other towers;
-the Principal Structure can now attack as the Defensive Towers do;
-fixed a bug related to Rose of Ghosts (item) granting bonus Strength points;
-fixed a bug related to Phoenix Claw (item) granting bonus movement;
-Sylas's innate ability "Entangle" cooldown was increased from 12 seconds to 18;
-updated the display of the minimap to a HD version;
-Potion of Health (item) has now 4 charges instead of 2. It does not instantly restore 150 health anymore, instead, it restores 200 health in 5 seconds. If the hero is damaged during this time, the healing is stopped prematurely.
-Potion of Mana (item) has now 4 charges instead of 2. It does not instantly restore 150 mana anymore, instead, it restores 200 mana in 5 seconds. If the hero is damaged during this time, the restoration is stopped prematurely.
-Bones of Silence (item) has been reworked into Fork Bones - Grants Eat Tree (active) - Rips a targeted tree and eats it, increasing health regeneration by 25 points for 10 seconds. 5 charges. The bonus regeneration cannot be stacked by eating multiple trees but the duration will be refreshed.
-Sandro's innate ability "Shade Snack" has been replaced by "Anti-Magic Ward" - Increases the target's magic resistance by 15% and additionally reduces the next incoming magic damage received by 120 points. Lasts 8 seconds or until the instance is reduced. Has a cooldown of 22 seconds.
-Blanka's "Howl of the Giant" ability was reworked into "Depths Fury" - Blanka releases a deafening scream towards 500 radius in the targeted direction, causing tentacles to immobilize enemies into the air for 2 seconds and turn them invulnerable. Deals magic damage to them upon falling. Affects invisible enemies too.
-Noelhd's "Omen of Fortitude" ability DPS aura per level was increased from 15/30/45/60 to 30/50/70/90 magic damage; it fully affects Sandro now as well.
-fixed a bug related to the message display of the heroic talents not appearing when "info" was typed for player 3 (teal); 4 (purple); 5 (yellow) and 6 (orange).
-Shallea's "Umbral Shards" ability bug causing the shards not to latch was fixed;
-added an additional Jungle Camp on the bottom part of the city for each side. This camp contains more creeps, 2 of them rewarding Crystals.
-Kandramon (item) proc chance was decreased from 30% to 17%;
-Voidramon (item) proc chance was decreased from 30% to 20%;
-Jungle Creeps cannot attack Faction Structures anymore.
-The Defensive Towers either from the Heaven Alliance or Underground Alliance cannot attack Jungle Creeps anymore;
-Roah's model was changed;
-Roah's "Golden Salvo" ability applies the area magic damage after 1 second / blast now.