Yiglax the Soul Shaman
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, able to nuke multiple enemies simultaneously and heavily reduce their fighting capacity.
Base Stats: 18 Agility; 18 Intelligence; 18 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.4 Agility; 2.85 Intelligence; 2.15 Strength.
---background story---
Breaking through the protective barrier of the well and entering the living world, Yiglax' lust for souls became more and more amplified. Legends say that this mythical creature is able to consume his prey in the blink of an eye.
Forced Cleansing (innate-active) - Removes all buffs from an enemy target and destroys 150 of its mana points.
- Ascending Spirit - Elevates into the sky and unleashes a barrage of flames towards all enemies within 750 radius, dealing magic damage to each. Yiglax slightly levitates in the faced direction, allowing him to ignore terrain.
- The Soulnado - Unleashes a tornado infused with souls, dealing area magic DPS to enemies touched and slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds. The Soulnado returns back to Yiglax once it reaches the targeted point. Grants a 3 seconds 8% health and movement speed boost to allies near it. The Soulnado destroys trees and provides vision as it travels.
- Bond Breaker - Enhances Yiglax' attacks for a set amount of time, causing him to reduce 5 armor for 5 seconds on each hit. The armor reduction cannot be stacked but the duration is refreshed upon landing a hit.
- Spiritual Downpour - Calls down a wall of energy that slows enemies touched by 30% for 2 seconds, deals 90 magic DPS to them and debuffs them with Bond Breaker. Enemies already debuffed by the regular Bond Breaker will lose 5 additional armor.
Gwen the Mantra Sorceress
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, able to assault multiple enemies with magic damage from long distances and can maintain her presence over a wide area.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 20 Intelligence; 14 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2 Agility; 2.45 Intelligence; 1.7 Strength.
---background story---
Long did the pylons of the Mantra Realm remained stable until the disruptive battles from Nadrex forced the keeper of the dimension to emerge from it. Gwen commands the gravitational energy and a single thought of her mind can tear enemies no matter where they are.
Mantra Flow (innate-active) - Restores the flow of magic, regenerating 130 mana points to Gwen. Mantra Flow causes the Crystal Connection restoration amount to be doubled during the cast.
- Force Chain - Gwen links herself to an enemy target, forcibly pushing it in the faced direction and dealing irreducible damage. Force Chain pierces magic immunity and cannot be dispelled.
- Blaster Barrage - CHANNELED - Gwen focuses the mantra energy up to 5 seconds, continuously healing herself and barraging all enemies within 750 radius with energy orbs. Blaster Barrage only hits visible enemies and procs every 0.25 seconds.
- Omnipresent Energy (passive) - Gwen's connection with Nadrex grants her permanent bonus movement speed and allows her to drain the vital energies of anyone who dies in battle. Has a 2000 activation radius and restores health and mana whenever someone dies in the area.
- Annihilation Rune - Places a deadly enchantment on the targeted enemy, releasing 6 continuous pulses, each dealing magic damage per instance and leaving the target unable to act over the next 4.5 seconds. Dispels all beneficial buffs each time it procs. Cannot be dispelled.
Galevon the Ultimate Lich
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, able to deal strong area magic damage, initiate well and focus isolated enemies.
Base Stats: 14 Agility; 17 Intelligence; 16 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.35 Agility; 2.85 Intelligence; 2.15 Strength.
---background story---
Through painful rituals and severe traumas can normal liches become Ultimate Liches. Giving up their free will and pledging loyalty to the Burning Legion, these war vessels are able to torture and annihilate their foes with no remorse.
Dire Ice Magic (innate-passive) - Empowers Galevon and all of his allies within 1200 radius with 50 bonus magic damage for all of their single targeted spells or items under the same conditions. Allies buffed retain the effect for 5 more seconds when they are not in Galevon' presence of if he dies.
- Ice Nova - Galevon emits an expanding ring of ice that deals magic damage to all enemies hit. The maximum radius is reached in less than 1 second.
- Winter Star - Targets an enemy, releasing a gigantic pulse of prismatic ice that slows by 80% and deals area magic damage to all enemies hit. Has a 1200 radius and the slow lasts 1 second.
- Cryojets - Galevon elevates into the sky up to 2 seconds, gaining flying movement for the next 8 seconds, bonus health and maximum movement speed. Adds the Dart Freeze passive ability (+80 magic attack damage), and dispels all buffs and debuffs. Cryojets cannot be dispelled.
- Freeze Breeze - Forms a circular area of intense frost at the targeted location. Every second, enemies inside the area or near it will be constantly hit by multiple frost waves, taking 80 irreducible damage from each.
Sylas the Monkey Monk
Ranged Intelligence based hero, good at trapping multiple enemies and augmenting his allies in combat.
Base Stats: 15 Agility; 24 Intelligence; 13 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.6 Agility; 2.3 Intelligence; 1.3 Strength.
---background story---
Guarding the very balance of the forests, Sylas joins his allies in battle, using cunning contraptions made of vines and stones. Should an ally or foe fall in battle, he can use their essence to summon natural defenders under his command.
Entangle (innate-active) - Roots an enemy target in throny vines up to 2 seconds if it's a hero, or 4 seconds if it's a non-hero target, dealing 45 magic DPS.
- Hallowed Wisps - Summons an untargetable and uncontrollable Hallowed Wisp for 15 seconds that attacks nearby enemies within 550 range, dealing magic damage and marking them for 8 seconds. When a marked enemy dies, a weaker Hallowed Wisp appears for 10 seconds but is unable to multiply further.
- Grove Claw - A bolt of energy that detonates upon impact and deals area magic damage.
- Monarch Pulse - A natural energy pulse heals the targeted ally (base heal + 40% bonus per missing health), and damages enemies around it. The damaged targets take only half of the base amount of heal.
- Animated Contraption - Invisible trap of vines that springs upon contact with enemies, rooting them in place and dealing magic DPS to them. The vines can be attacked and destroyed by enemies. Trapped enemies will lose 7 armor points for the next 5 seconds and incoming magic attacks from the Hallowed Wisp are amplified by 20%.
Levergord the Hellspawn Disciple
Ranged Intelligence based hero, exceptional at dealing high amounts of magic damage and quickly burst fragile opponents.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 23 Intelligence; 14 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.8 Agility; 3 Intelligence; 2 Strength.
---background story---
Passing through the 7 levels of Hell was not an easy task for Levergord but soon after reaching the final challenge, he gained the power of controlling the flames that almost killed him before. Risen from blazing depths, Levergord plans to drown the entire Kalimdor in flames.
Twin Flames (innate-passive) - Levergord has 20% chance to fully block 40 points of physical damage either from attacks or spells. His demonic powers are also amplified by 10% whenever they are used in a disciplined order: Thunderous Hell -> Animated Fire -> Wheels of Hell -> Fear Conflagration.
- Wheels of Hell - Conjures a burning wheel (+1 per level upgraded), behind Levergord, which immediately rushes towards a random visible enemy within 1000 radius, dealing 90 area physical damage within 300 radius. If no enemies are detected during cast, the wheels break.
- Animated Fire - Levergord stuns the targeted enemy for 1 second and lets loose a fiery spirit towards it. The spirit attacks every second, dealing irreducible area damage within 450 radius.
- Thunderous Hell - Calls down a fierce fire thunder, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies for 1 second. Affected targets will lose 7 armor up to 4 seconds. Enemies affected by the armor reduction take an additional 10% damage from the Animated Fire' attacks.
- Fear Conflagration - Fires a devastating ray of energy into the targeted enemy, dealing base magic damage + 30 bonus damage per heroes killed by Levergord. The damaged enemy is also forced to move towards Levergord' position.
Kynezis the Arch Sage
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, armed with a disruptive and damaging arsenal of spells.
Base Stats: 17 Agility; 22 Intelligence; 15 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.1 Agility; 2.3 Intelligence; 2 Strength.
---background story---
Last wizard of the Kirin Tor, Kynezis found a new home in the mystical Temple of Nadrex. Ready to defeat the forces of evil once again, his telekinetic abilities lay waste to his adversaries.
Energy Burn (innate-active) - Flares the targeted enemy, dealing 90 magic damage and burning 90 points of its mana.
- Orbital Mana Blade - Psychic energy strikes the targeted foe, dealing a percentage of Kynezis's maximum mana as magic damage. Applies Disrupt on the affected target, instantly stopping its currently issued order.
- Energy Control (passive) - Enhances Kynezis's mana regeneration and empowers Orbital Mana Blade. 10% of Kynezis's current mana is dealt as bonus magic damage whenever Orbital Mana Blade is cast.
- Tornado Shuttle - Forcibly propels all enemies in the targeted area into the sky for a brief moment, dealing magic damage based on Kynezis's Intelligence when they fall back on the ground.
- Polarity Sphere - Kynezis gathers energy from the surroundings, summoning a negatively charged coil that shoots energy beams every 1.20 seconds. Every beam will deal 100 magic damage to 2 enemies and knockback only the primary hit opponent.
Roah the Son of Midas
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, good at torturing his enemies.
Base Stats: 13 Agility; 18 Intelligence; 18 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.5 Agility; 2.4 Intelligence; 2.4 Strength.
---background story---
Unaware of his potential, Roah found himself turning the people who loved the most into piles of gold once he sold his soul to the Lich King. Forgetting about his father's last wish, he is now the Underground's most vicious spellcaster and enjoys tearing his enemies apart.
Golden Presence (innate-passive) - Emits an allied aura that increases armor by 6 within 650 radius to Roah. The bonus is applied to himself too. The buff lingers for 5 additional seconds outside of Roah's presence.
- Hep Theft - A curse of greed that steals minor gold from the foe and deals magic damage, silences and disarms it afterwards.
- Golden Salvo - Launches an enchanted vial of gold that releases multiple coin blasts upon impacting the target point. Each blast deals magic damage after 1 second and slows enemies hit.
- Shared Fate - Links up multiple allies around the targeted one, reducing incoming damage by distributing it across other linked units.
- Chains of the Greed - Binds the targeted enemy in place, deals magic DPS to it and dispels all beneficial buffs from it.
Sandro the Shades Councillor
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, able to heavily damage crowded enemies.
Base Stats: 14 Agility; 19 Intelligence; 11 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.45 Agility; 2.75 Intelligence; 1.3 Strength.
---background story---
A secretive practitioner of the dark arts, Sandro left the orcish tribe to search the source of eternal dark magic. Commanding the energies of the void, no adversary shall stand in his way. Constantly summoning the evil energies into a powerful egregor, the Shades Councillor is not an easy prey.
Mana Shade (innate-active) - Infests an enemy with a Mana Shade, burning up to 180 mana points from it after 3 seconds passed.
- Shade of Terror - A soul of darkness that haunts the target foe, dealing multiple instances of magic damage and slowing it.
- Dire Eidolon - Invulnerable shade that constantly attacks all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage to each. Cannot be controlled.
- Tap Grimoire - Restores mana on cast and empowers each of Sandro' abilities over the duration. Can only be dispelled by enemies.
- Dark Egregor - Gathers dark energy up to 1 second, then conjures a maleficent entity that deals heavy area magic damage to surrounding enemies.
Shardrona the Magimantra Herald
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, good versus magic damage heroes and able to manipulate combats.
Base Stats: 10 Agility; 23 Intelligence; 23 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.2 Agility; 2.5 Intelligence; 2.1 Strength.
---background story---
Regular wizards usually learn the arts of a certain element but when it comes to Shardrona, the amount can never be enough. Absorbing any form of magic and summoning the essence of death itself onto the battlefield, she is more than meets the eye.
Sorceress Sigil (innate-active) - Enchants the allied target, restoring up to 275 mana points after 2 seconds passed.
- Mortis Talionus - Curses the earth in the targeted facing direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and interrupting their current order. An impassable wall of tombs will be formed for 4 seconds.
- Skeletal Trench - Focuses dread energy into the target point, dealing damage, stunning and slowing afterwards. Destroys trees touched.
- Forbidden Incantation - Applies a barrier that protects Shardrona for 4 seconds, granting her complete immunity to any form of damage. Incoming spell damage is converted into health. Can be activated during Recall.
- Death Marker - Unleashes multiple firebolts upon the targeted foe for a short amount of time, dealing 100 irreducible damage per each firebolt. If the targeted foe dies, a nearby enemy will be hit until the timer ends.
Fedora the Solar Valkyrie
Melee hero based on Intelligence, very good at supporting her allies and debuffing enemies.
Base Stats: 18 Agility; 20 Intelligence; 18 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.8 Agility; 2.8 Intelligence; 1.8 Strength.
---background story---
Fedora is an eternal priestess that rose back from the dead in order to complete her goal, the extermination of any undead that lurks in the world. Blessed with the pure light of the Sun, she is able to spark blinding light even in the darkest soul. Her fiery will keeps her allies alive and ensures her foes are silenced permanently.
Valkyrie's Flare (innate-active) - Calls down a beam of light upon the targeted foe, dealing 90 magic damage, and another one to a random second nearby enemy, dealing +80% more damage.
- Birthright Phoenix - Assaults multiple enemies near the targeted foe with a mystical phoenix that slows and deals area magic DPS.
- Enchanted Rope (channeled) - A link of energy that binds the target in place for 3 seconds and deals magic DPS to it.
- Ancestral Empowerment (toggled) - Grants bonus movement and magic resistance to Fedora and creates a continuous source of area healing as long as it is active. Consumes mana each second.
- Radiant Wrath - Powerful targeted barrage of light energy that applies multiple instances of magic damage to enemies around the initial cast point.
Gerro the Demented Alchemist
Ranged Intelligence based hero, exceptional at dealing high amounts of magic damage and quickly burst fragile opponents.
Base Stats: 10 Agility; 19 Intelligence; 15 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1 Agility; 2.6 Intelligence; 2.3 Strength.
---background story---
Rescued by the Underground Force, Gerro' deadly experiments with volatile chemicals and living corpses might be just the element of surprise in the war against the Heaven Force. Drenching his enemies in toxins and flames, Gerror has little patience for failed experiments.
Transmute (innate-active) - Gerro turns a non-hero target, either friend or foe, into gold, gaining 300 gold and 300 bonus experience from it.
- Chemical Bomb - Gerro creates a detonating flask of chemicals at the targeted location, dealing area magic damage to enemies after 2 seconds. Chemical Bomb damages invisible enemies but not hidden ones.
- Death Gas - CHANNELED - Gerro releases a toxic gas up to 3 seconds on the targeted area, damaging enemies based on their maximum health each second. Destroys trees too.
- Cadaver Burn - Explodes a nearby corpse within 750 radius, dealing area magic damage, slowing enemies hit by 27% for 2 seconds and quickly launching firebolts around, dealing 25 magic damage on hit. Multiple explosions will not stack the slow.
- Pyroclasm - Gerro detonates chemicals around him, dealing area magic damage to all visible enemies. The explosion generates 5 Combustion Orbs that can be detonated using Cadaver Burn if no usable corpses are available.
Outcast Tempori the Chrono Engineer
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, armed up with a powerful arsenal of magic damage and combat maneuvering.
Base Stats: 15 Agility; 23 Intelligence; 13 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.3 Agility; 2.1 Intelligence; 1.7 Strength.
---background story---
Caught into an endless loop by his own experiment, Tempori was transfigurated and "blessed" with the ability to bend time at will. The explosion of the experiment transported him near the Temple of Nadrex, and the best place to master his new abilities is this battlefield.
Automaton (innate-passive) - Amplifies current health regeneration and any health regeneration bonuses by 5%. Automaton cannot be dispelled.
- The Blazeator - A gigantic orb of flames is launched towards 2300 range in the targeted direction, dealing magic damage to any foe it touches. Damaged enemies are also slowed by 30% for 3 seconds.
- Temporal Outbreak - An energy link that swaps locations with the target and also deals magic damage to it.
- Cinder Bolt - Disabling ability that deals magic damage and interrupts current order of the hit target.
- Chrono Engine (passive) - Grants permanent bonus armor and provides a chance after repeated spellcasting to forge a Reset Button that can be pressed to instantly refresh all cooldowns. Fully affects active items as well.
Billy the Monolith Guardian
Ranged hero based on Intelligence, able to manipulate combats and apply powerful crowd control debuffs.
Base Stats: 19 Agility; 23 Intelligence; 14 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.68 Agility; 2.25 Intelligence; 2.3 Strength.
---background story---
They say time is an unknown phenomenon and could never be bend by mortal hands. This certainly does not apply to Billy, a creature like no one before, which was tasked to protect the sacred Monolith of Nadrex. Calling down the fury of lightning or trapping masses of foes in time, Billy is always ready to unleash his full arsenal.
Chronopresence (innate-passive) - Enemies within 650 to Billy, will have their current armor reduced by 6 for the next 5 seconds. Lightning Storm deals 5% bonus damage to affected targets.
- Lightning Storm - Enemies within 500 radius of the targeted location will be randomly hit by 3 lightning bolts every half a second, taking 20 magic damage. The lightning bolts distribute 60% of their damage to surrounding enemies on each hit.
- Negative Energy - Dispels positive buff from the targeted enemy, deals magic damage and depletes mana points from it. The mana amount is depleted after 3 seconds.
- Charged Fur - Overwhelms Billy with energy, granting constant maximum movement speed and immunity to slows for 10 seconds. Next attack under this state will deal bonus magic damage and knockback the hit enemy.
- Temporal Powerdown - Manipulates the events of time around the targeted location, binding all units, heroes and structures after 2 seconds. Affects both allies and enemies. Billy is not affected.
Ophelia the Banewitch
Ranged Intelligence based hero, exceptional at dealing high amounts of magic damage to multiple opponents simultaneously.
Base Stats: 16 Agility; 15 Intelligence; 14 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.4 Agility; 2.6 Intelligence; 2.2 Strength.
---background story---
Banewitches are a group of expelled casters who corrupted the seas of Kalimdor, infusing dark magic into them. Though most of the banewitches were purged by the druids, one named Ophelia escaped and swore revenge upon the night elves.
Banewitch Presence (innate-passive) - Enemies within 650 range to Ophelia deal 23% less physical damage. The debuff cannot be dispelled.
- Aquatic Metamorpher- Ophelia switches to Magic Attack with 20 bonus damage and 40% bonus attack speed for a set amount of time. Applies a strong dispel on cast.
- Tidal Spear - Water bursts in a straight targeted path, dealing magic damage to enemies per each burst, and interrupting current actions. Each water burst has a radius of 160.
- Bane Curse - Curses the target' soul, reducing its attack damage by 50%, silencing it over the duration and dealing magic DPS. Instantly cancels channeling states or recalls.
- Witch Wheel - CHANNELED - Ophelia calls forth dark magic upon all enemies within 825 range to her, dealing magic damage every 0.60 seconds. Witch Wheel does not hit invisible or hidden enemies.
Rainbow the Dreamshifter
Ranged Intelligence based hero, able to surprise his enemies and maneuver combats.
Base Stats: 12 Agility; 20 Intelligence; 16 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.1 Agility; 2.8 Intelligence; 1.7 Strength.
---background story---
Faerie Dragons are very rare around these areas, especially during this war. A single specimen, known as a Dreamshifter, survived in the harsh conditions and evolved to a greater form. Prepared to stop the defilers of nature, Rainbow launches barrages of faerie dust and plays cunning tricks on his enemies.
Realm Port (innate-active) - CHANNELED - Rainbow focuses his energy up to 3 seconds, teleporting at the targeted area. Becoming stunned or rooted will cancel the teleportation.
- Fae Blast - Sparkles a targeted area with faerie dust, dealing magic damage and mini-stunning enemies hit for 0.60 seconds. Has a 220 radius of effect and destroys trees.
- Dormant Attacker - Creates a mystical coil that randomly attacks an enemy within 675 range, every 0.60 seconds, dealing 80 magic damage. Rainbow regains 30 mana points on each of the Dormant Attacker's hit.
- Force Silence - Rainbow lifts the evil from his enemies detected in the targeted area, disarming them and silencing their spellcasting for a short time. Force Silence also reduces the effectiveness of attack-morphers by 20% and Nathan's ability to attack Ghosted targets.
- Dreamweaver - Rainbow dissipates into the sky, becoming hidden and untargetable. A ring of 6 Dormant Attackers will be formed, dealing 80 magic damage each but being able to control them. Rainbow cannot use his other abilities or active items in this form but all auras granted by items are applied around each Dormant Attacker.
Angelor Star the Astral Druid
Ranged Intelligence based hero, exceptional at dealing high amounts of magic damage and aiding his fellow allies.
Base Stats: 6 Agility; 25 Intelligence; 15 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 0.8 Agility; 3 Intelligence; 2.4 Strength.
---background story---
Once an endless falling star, Angelor took the form of a night elven scholar, enhancing the ranks of the druids from Nadrex. Commanding the Astral Plane, Angelor, unleashes the wrath of the stars upon his foes.
Sealing Spark (innate-active) - Negates the target's magical potency, stopping it from casting spells for 2 seconds and causing it to miss all physical attacks.
- Absorb Trees - Angelor absorbs the targeted trees, healing from their nutrients and storing up their essence within him. The stored trees can be launched using the subability, Tree Blast, dealing area magic damage.
- Sparkle Star - Enlightens the heart of the allied target, granting 75 bonus armor and massive bonus health regeneration for 2 seconds. The bonus health regeneration is based on the maximum health of the target.
- Starfire - Calls down a star from the sky, dealing area magic damage upon reaching the ground and interrupting affected enemies' current orders. Destroys trees.
Stellar Vortex - Unleashes a violent storm of stars around the targeted location, dealing 130 area magic damage per vortex and slowing enemies hit by 30% for 2 seconds. Per each stack of damage instance, the next one gains +20 bonus magic damage.
Demonrage the Warlock
Ranged Intelligence based hero, able to channel waves of intense magic damage and sustain himself in combat by either sacrificing his own health into mana or draining health from his enemies.
Base Stats: 14 Agility; 18 Intelligence; 18 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 1.3 Agility; 2.3 Intelligence; 2.3 Strength.
---background story---
Binding demons to do his works never interested Demonrage. After stealing the scrolls of forbidden foul magic from the greatest warlock alive, Demonrage was about to take his place but fell miserably once his own incantations broke and cursed him forever to sate his hunger.
Life Tap (innate-active) - Sacrifices 100 health for 100 mana points.
- Rain of Fire - CHANNELED - Demonrage channels fire from the sky up to 5 seconds, unleashing meteors upon all enemies within 750 radius, dealing magic damage per meteor. If Demonrage is interrupted, the damage stops prematurely.
- Exudoconvergence - Targets a non-hero enemy, sacrificing its life in order to unleash fiery blasts to nearby random enemies, dealing magic DPS for 4 seconds. The fire blasts activate upon enemies within 650 radius of the sacrificed target or to those that enter after in less than 4 seconds.
- Drain Life - CHANNELED - Links the Warlock and the target for 4 seconds, transferring health points from the target to the Warlock each second. If Demonrage is interrupted or the target moves too far away, the link is broken.
- Shadow Clone - Demonrage summons an imperfect untargetable replica of himself, attacking enemies for 75 magic damage per hit and replicating Rain of Fire or Drain Life of their maximum levels whenever Demonrage casts them. The Drain Life replica of the Shadow Clone has no cast range limit.
Melledrin the Nimph Dryad
Ranged Intelligence based hero, very good at assassinating solo heroes and maneuvering through combat.
Base Stats: 19 Agility; 19 Intelligence; 11 Strength.
Stats gained per level up: 2.6 Agility; 2.6 Intelligence; 1.6 Strength.
---background story---
A spear here, a spear there, everyone impaled, a Dryad happy and many foes sad -- Who really cares? This energic defender of the forest is always ready to crush her foes and stomp upon their sad faces.
Spot Vulnerability (innate-passive) - Grants 15% chance for each attack to deal double damage based on Melledrin's total attack damage. Stacks with any attack morphers.
- Lucent Spear - Launches an infused spear, dealing magic damage and massively slowing the movement of the target for 1 second. At level 4, the damage and slow are applied to nearby enemies within 250 radius to the target.
- Nimph Curse - Reduces the armor of all enemies within 600 radius for the next 6 seconds. Lucent Spear will apply an initial burst of magic damage based on 3x Melledrin's Intelligence.
- Toxin Spears (passive) - Melledrin's spears apply poison for 3 seconds upon hit, reducing movement and attack speed, and dealing magic DPS. On non-hero enemies, the poison lasts 6 seconds. Stacks with attack morphers except the Mana Burn ones.
- Enchanted Curse - Melledrin strikes the targeted enemy, dealing magic damage and charming it for 5 seconds. Whenever she initiates an attack on the charmed target, it is forced to attack only her. The charmed target cannot be selected and player based selection is repeatedly removed.